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Announce News Post #2858

ACC applications

Written by: Tecton, the Terraformer
Date: Friday, September 5th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

As a new change we are putting forward an open call for applications
into the ACC. Before I begin with how to apply, I will give you a brief
rundown on what the ACC does.

What is the ACC:
The Achaean Combat Council is a group of mature, combat-knowlegable
individuals who work with the administration to assist with the
improvement of the different classes and combat balance across the
spectrum. All Classleads are members, along with certain other invited
individuals who have been nominated by their peers.

What is expected of members of the ACC:
- A good, active combat knowledge.
- Maturity and levelheadedness when dealing with other players.
- An overarching desire to achieve combat balance and making player
combat more enjoyable.
- Patience.

How to apply:
To apply, send a plain-text, non-formatted, non-HTML email to, addressing the following criteria:

- Your real name.
- Your character(s) in Achaea, their classes, and some of their combat
- A brief analysis of one of your characters' classes, outlining what
you see to be the main issues with your class, and how you would address

Applications will be accepted until the end of Friday, September 12.

Good luck!

Penned by My hand on the 5th of Mayan, in the year 488 AF.

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Announce News Post #2858

ACC applications

Written by: Tecton, the Terraformer
Date: Friday, September 5th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

As a new change we are putting forward an open call for applications
into the ACC. Before I begin with how to apply, I will give you a brief
rundown on what the ACC does.

What is the ACC:
The Achaean Combat Council is a group of mature, combat-knowlegable
individuals who work with the administration to assist with the
improvement of the different classes and combat balance across the
spectrum. All Classleads are members, along with certain other invited
individuals who have been nominated by their peers.

What is expected of members of the ACC:
- A good, active combat knowledge.
- Maturity and levelheadedness when dealing with other players.
- An overarching desire to achieve combat balance and making player
combat more enjoyable.
- Patience.

How to apply:
To apply, send a plain-text, non-formatted, non-HTML email to, addressing the following criteria:

- Your real name.
- Your character(s) in Achaea, their classes, and some of their combat
- A brief analysis of one of your characters' classes, outlining what
you see to be the main issues with your class, and how you would address

Applications will be accepted until the end of Friday, September 12.

Good luck!

Penned by My hand on the 5th of Mayan, in the year 488 AF.

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