Achaean News
Written by: Twilight, the Dark Father
Date: Sunday, February 18th, 2001
Addressed to: Xianty Caritas, The White Lotus
I have no "heart" when it comes to the likes of you Xianty. I care only for Myself and My followers. You are neither. Power is a bargain, and one must give in order to receive. I have merely given, now it is time for Me to receive. If you do not live up to your end of the bargain, the pain you suffered at the hands of Sartan's fiends will be nothing, compared to what I will do to you. I do trust, that I have made Myself clear.
The Dark Father
Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Miraman, in the year 270 AF.
Written by: Twilight, the Dark Father
Date: Sunday, February 18th, 2001
Addressed to: Xianty Caritas, The White Lotus
I have no "heart" when it comes to the likes of you Xianty. I care only for Myself and My followers. You are neither. Power is a bargain, and one must give in order to receive. I have merely given, now it is time for Me to receive. If you do not live up to your end of the bargain, the pain you suffered at the hands of Sartan's fiends will be nothing, compared to what I will do to you. I do trust, that I have made Myself clear.
The Dark Father
Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Miraman, in the year 270 AF.