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Public News Post #7554

An Essay apon the existence of forces that can only be described as Good, Evil and Neutral. Although they are nothing Like the Mortal concept of these words.

Written by: The Reverend Lodi Vespic de'Ta'sa, The Crow
Date: Monday, December 11th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

It appears I am no moor than a peace of dirt to the rest of the world. I vowed not to rite on this board as it only brings me moor heart ache, but I have been persuaded by friends to put this essay up. Again that is all it is, an Essay. Make of it what you will, put up posts wasting every body's time saying how wrong it is. How I am a fool, how I don't deserve the air I breath. Then waist even moor space buy winging at the wingers to shut up. I was once a winger who comes under bot those categories. I realise that it only makes a fool out of ones self if you do that. I am prone to making snap decisions with out thinking them through properly, a weakness that has felled me moor than once and I am not going to fall foul to again.

"A man who can not admit to his own weaknesses is the weakest of them all" Anon.

To Lord Sartan, I hope you except my apologise to you lord, as I did not mean to be such a pathetic announce to your mighty self . . .

An Essay apon the existence of forces that can only be described as Good, Evil and Neutral. Although they are nothing Like the Mortal concept of these words.

There are many things with in this world that are Pure Evil and many that are Pure Good. We are NOT talking about Good and Evil in the sense of a mortal concept, this is something completely different. Evil is the bettering of ones self, the search for power, but this force is not this it is in essence what the Church (I do not mean this as an offence to the Church) would like to portray all Mortals who class them self's as Evil as being . . . but it is even worse than that. It is hard to explain this unique brand of Evil, an Evil that all despise and in all essence should not be called Evil. But there is no words in any language that I have come across to describe It (the closest is not even a word but a symbol found in Tsol'aa Myths called the Ying-yang) the only term to use for it is Evil, so evil is what I shall have to use.

The same goes for the force of Good, this is not the same power of Good that those who follow the path of light (or any other organisation that considers its self to classed as "Good") preach, but is completely different, often the good Powers will be classed as Evil by the Evil Powers in an attempt to daceev the mortals of the world. And often due the fact that Mortals are prone to being miss led and deceived it succeeds.

Remember these are NOT Shallam Good, Ashtan Evil kind of forces . . . they are completely different. Both can be found with in every institution . . . ever organisation that has ever been formed.

It is the way of Evil to speak lies and to corrupt the masses into turning against the Good, but the Good always fights back. Often forces perceived as being good, weather because of Moral Values ideals or bailiffs are infact being controlled by the Evil power, and the same goes for those things that are viewed as being Evil, it is not un-common to fined them being controlled by the powers of Good.

But due to a blindness to the truth that all Mortals carry, an un-willingness to except that which they can not baleev, we never realise this.

An Example :-

Ashtan Liberates Thera from the Tyranny of its Mayor. Thus Ashtan is the Forces of Good and The Mayor and her crones are the Forces of Evil. But then Shallam steps in, claming to be the "Liberators of Thera". They spread discord and hide the truth from the World (although they themselves do not realise it, as they did it purely because of their distrust of what ever Ashtan sais). Thus Shallams strings are being pulled by the powers of Evil, but it baleevs it is the Power of good. Ashtan fights back again being controlled by the power of Good, trying to show the world what really happened.

Of course it could have bean the other way round, that is the beauty of these two powers, you never know. You always think YOUR doing the right thing when infact you may be dooing the wrong thing with out realising it. "I'm wright and he's wrong!" I baleev the saying goes . . .

My concept is this, these two powers Pre date even the great Logos (blessed be his name). They Made every thing and are every thing. Long after the Logos and his gods are gon (for nothing that can be created lives for ever, any self respecting necromancer knows that) they shall still be there.

Think of these powers as players in a chess game. But a game completely different to the one we know. A game were the two opponents (Good and Evil) constantly change Sides, sometimes white and some times black, and were you must try to win but when ever you capture a peace another reapers for your opponent . . . maybe even the same colour as your own . . . and you may never know about it.

This is what I have come to conclude after a Long study, encompassing the History of every Mortal Race that has a recorded history (that is a rather broad Statement but I have a knolage of the workings of most Cultures . . even though it may not be as deep as some of the specialists in each of the specified fields). Also from just watching and listening to the world around me.

As a margin note: I have also noticed the presins of a minor power, one a lot smaller than the two stated above. But this one exists bitween them, a constant buffer to stop them from completely destroying them self's. The eseaset way to describe it is as Neutrality . . . but again it is completely different. Think of it as the Chess board. An object that takes no part in the game (i.e. it doesn't moov or take peace's captive) but with out it the game would not be possible. Although this power is a very very minor force compared to the other two and the only culture I have discovered who even decree that something similar exsists is the old Mhun Pagan baleef system. This power exists non the less

This is an Essay, not so much a Post. It express my baleefs in it and It is not ment to offend any one, far from it I think that if we are truthful to ourselves, that what is said in it can be agreed apon by all. And pleas note, incase you have COMPLETELY missed the point, the Evil refereed to here is not Sartans Evil, and the Good is not the Churches good.

I also mean no disrespect to the Gods mentioned above or to any who may for some reason known only to themselves I may have offended. If I have offended you in any way then I assure you it was by accident and not deliberate in any sense of the word.

Sorry if I'v wasted everybody's time.

In the Shadow of the Triangle I remain

The Reverend Lodi Vespic de'Ta'sa of the Trinity


Penned by my hand on the 12th of Mayan, in the year 264 AF.

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Public News Post #7554

An Essay apon the existence of forces that can only be described as Good, Evil and Neutral. Although they are nothing Like the Mortal concept of these words.

Written by: The Reverend Lodi Vespic de'Ta'sa, The Crow
Date: Monday, December 11th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

It appears I am no moor than a peace of dirt to the rest of the world. I vowed not to rite on this board as it only brings me moor heart ache, but I have been persuaded by friends to put this essay up. Again that is all it is, an Essay. Make of it what you will, put up posts wasting every body's time saying how wrong it is. How I am a fool, how I don't deserve the air I breath. Then waist even moor space buy winging at the wingers to shut up. I was once a winger who comes under bot those categories. I realise that it only makes a fool out of ones self if you do that. I am prone to making snap decisions with out thinking them through properly, a weakness that has felled me moor than once and I am not going to fall foul to again.

"A man who can not admit to his own weaknesses is the weakest of them all" Anon.

To Lord Sartan, I hope you except my apologise to you lord, as I did not mean to be such a pathetic announce to your mighty self . . .

An Essay apon the existence of forces that can only be described as Good, Evil and Neutral. Although they are nothing Like the Mortal concept of these words.

There are many things with in this world that are Pure Evil and many that are Pure Good. We are NOT talking about Good and Evil in the sense of a mortal concept, this is something completely different. Evil is the bettering of ones self, the search for power, but this force is not this it is in essence what the Church (I do not mean this as an offence to the Church) would like to portray all Mortals who class them self's as Evil as being . . . but it is even worse than that. It is hard to explain this unique brand of Evil, an Evil that all despise and in all essence should not be called Evil. But there is no words in any language that I have come across to describe It (the closest is not even a word but a symbol found in Tsol'aa Myths called the Ying-yang) the only term to use for it is Evil, so evil is what I shall have to use.

The same goes for the force of Good, this is not the same power of Good that those who follow the path of light (or any other organisation that considers its self to classed as "Good") preach, but is completely different, often the good Powers will be classed as Evil by the Evil Powers in an attempt to daceev the mortals of the world. And often due the fact that Mortals are prone to being miss led and deceived it succeeds.

Remember these are NOT Shallam Good, Ashtan Evil kind of forces . . . they are completely different. Both can be found with in every institution . . . ever organisation that has ever been formed.

It is the way of Evil to speak lies and to corrupt the masses into turning against the Good, but the Good always fights back. Often forces perceived as being good, weather because of Moral Values ideals or bailiffs are infact being controlled by the Evil power, and the same goes for those things that are viewed as being Evil, it is not un-common to fined them being controlled by the powers of Good.

But due to a blindness to the truth that all Mortals carry, an un-willingness to except that which they can not baleev, we never realise this.

An Example :-

Ashtan Liberates Thera from the Tyranny of its Mayor. Thus Ashtan is the Forces of Good and The Mayor and her crones are the Forces of Evil. But then Shallam steps in, claming to be the "Liberators of Thera". They spread discord and hide the truth from the World (although they themselves do not realise it, as they did it purely because of their distrust of what ever Ashtan sais). Thus Shallams strings are being pulled by the powers of Evil, but it baleevs it is the Power of good. Ashtan fights back again being controlled by the power of Good, trying to show the world what really happened.

Of course it could have bean the other way round, that is the beauty of these two powers, you never know. You always think YOUR doing the right thing when infact you may be dooing the wrong thing with out realising it. "I'm wright and he's wrong!" I baleev the saying goes . . .

My concept is this, these two powers Pre date even the great Logos (blessed be his name). They Made every thing and are every thing. Long after the Logos and his gods are gon (for nothing that can be created lives for ever, any self respecting necromancer knows that) they shall still be there.

Think of these powers as players in a chess game. But a game completely different to the one we know. A game were the two opponents (Good and Evil) constantly change Sides, sometimes white and some times black, and were you must try to win but when ever you capture a peace another reapers for your opponent . . . maybe even the same colour as your own . . . and you may never know about it.

This is what I have come to conclude after a Long study, encompassing the History of every Mortal Race that has a recorded history (that is a rather broad Statement but I have a knolage of the workings of most Cultures . . even though it may not be as deep as some of the specialists in each of the specified fields). Also from just watching and listening to the world around me.

As a margin note: I have also noticed the presins of a minor power, one a lot smaller than the two stated above. But this one exists bitween them, a constant buffer to stop them from completely destroying them self's. The eseaset way to describe it is as Neutrality . . . but again it is completely different. Think of it as the Chess board. An object that takes no part in the game (i.e. it doesn't moov or take peace's captive) but with out it the game would not be possible. Although this power is a very very minor force compared to the other two and the only culture I have discovered who even decree that something similar exsists is the old Mhun Pagan baleef system. This power exists non the less

This is an Essay, not so much a Post. It express my baleefs in it and It is not ment to offend any one, far from it I think that if we are truthful to ourselves, that what is said in it can be agreed apon by all. And pleas note, incase you have COMPLETELY missed the point, the Evil refereed to here is not Sartans Evil, and the Good is not the Churches good.

I also mean no disrespect to the Gods mentioned above or to any who may for some reason known only to themselves I may have offended. If I have offended you in any way then I assure you it was by accident and not deliberate in any sense of the word.

Sorry if I'v wasted everybody's time.

In the Shadow of the Triangle I remain

The Reverend Lodi Vespic de'Ta'sa of the Trinity


Penned by my hand on the 12th of Mayan, in the year 264 AF.

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