Achaean News
Written by: Transcendent Blademaster Khejian, Master of the Iron Citadel
Date: Sunday, December 10th, 2000
Addressed to: Treehugger Caled Tiercel, OJB
I don't profess to 'know' what Evil is. I won't even try to convince you that I know if 'Evil' is right or wrong, any more than I will try to convince you that 'Good' is right or wrong. But I'm not posting about myself, at least just this once - I am going to answer your argument based on my life experience, though.
Evil *is* self-serving. All acts an Evil man would make must benefit him in some manner. You are right in this. You are very wrong in assuming this would necessarily lead to competition and strife among like-minded individuals, I'm actually suprised so many people who preach that evil cannot work are so blind to the less obvious motives.
This is an example I believe I've used before, but I'll dig it up again...if I find an Infernal by the highway, strong but with almost mortal wounds, what benefits me more- To let him die, or even to kill him, or to befriend and heal him, so he may serve my guild and therefore strengthen my own position?
In fact, the entire argument is somewhat silly. I can truthfully say that I cannot remember a single mortal act that was commited entirely selflessly. Be it for social standing, power, personal safety, the favour of the there is a seed of evil in every man, so there is always a motive behind every man's actions.
Ah, and it's good that you listened Caled. It seems that for every person I quiet down, two more self-important ignorants pop up.
It saddens me that a representative of Lord Oneiros will do nothing but tell others to shut up, as it saddens me that a follower of Lord Aegis is...well...such a bloody twit. I have this great desire to burn this bitch's ears off with a discourse on the theory of War, but I will only say this...somewhere in those messes you wrote, you asked us to stop bringing others down to make us feel higher. If that is not the very essence of war, the core motive, what is?
Even my own Lord Sartan is plagued by Lodi's terribly composed posts. When Lord Aegis has a whining pacifist, Lord Oneiros has such an aggressive watchman (snigger), and Lord Sartan has a blabbering illiterate...where *is* the world going? Somehow I feel like I've failed some duty.
Transcendent Blademaster Khejian, Master of the Iron Citadel
Penned by my hand on the 18th of Glacian, in the year 264 AF.
Written by: Transcendent Blademaster Khejian, Master of the Iron Citadel
Date: Sunday, December 10th, 2000
Addressed to: Treehugger Caled Tiercel, OJB
I don't profess to 'know' what Evil is. I won't even try to convince you that I know if 'Evil' is right or wrong, any more than I will try to convince you that 'Good' is right or wrong. But I'm not posting about myself, at least just this once - I am going to answer your argument based on my life experience, though.
Evil *is* self-serving. All acts an Evil man would make must benefit him in some manner. You are right in this. You are very wrong in assuming this would necessarily lead to competition and strife among like-minded individuals, I'm actually suprised so many people who preach that evil cannot work are so blind to the less obvious motives.
This is an example I believe I've used before, but I'll dig it up again...if I find an Infernal by the highway, strong but with almost mortal wounds, what benefits me more- To let him die, or even to kill him, or to befriend and heal him, so he may serve my guild and therefore strengthen my own position?
In fact, the entire argument is somewhat silly. I can truthfully say that I cannot remember a single mortal act that was commited entirely selflessly. Be it for social standing, power, personal safety, the favour of the there is a seed of evil in every man, so there is always a motive behind every man's actions.
Ah, and it's good that you listened Caled. It seems that for every person I quiet down, two more self-important ignorants pop up.
It saddens me that a representative of Lord Oneiros will do nothing but tell others to shut up, as it saddens me that a follower of Lord Aegis is...well...such a bloody twit. I have this great desire to burn this bitch's ears off with a discourse on the theory of War, but I will only say this...somewhere in those messes you wrote, you asked us to stop bringing others down to make us feel higher. If that is not the very essence of war, the core motive, what is?
Even my own Lord Sartan is plagued by Lodi's terribly composed posts. When Lord Aegis has a whining pacifist, Lord Oneiros has such an aggressive watchman (snigger), and Lord Sartan has a blabbering illiterate...where *is* the world going? Somehow I feel like I've failed some duty.
Transcendent Blademaster Khejian, Master of the Iron Citadel
Penned by my hand on the 18th of Glacian, in the year 264 AF.