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Public News Post #6908

My Personal Business

Written by: Gelphend - The Pollen Inspector
Date: Wednesday, October 11th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

Recently my wife received a msg that had her rather upset with me. It seems that by following Dalamar to make sure certain groves weren't exterminated I was in turn "helping him burn the forest". At least that's how someone put it to her. I want to make it very clear to everyone that I am not helping Dalamar in this, and if you have a problem with me or anything I do I want to hear about it from you, not Bumble.
I do not want to hear about any further messages being sent to my wife when the sender knows very well that those messages should be sent directly to me. I want to make it extremely clear that I will not tolerate cowardice of this nature, attempting to direct attacks at me through my wife.
Since my wife refused to tell me who sent the message I won't be exacting any measure of compensation from the individual. However, I assure whoever hid behind my wife in this manner that if I do find out who they are they will regret not dealing with me in the first place as is the custom among most civilized people.
I regret and appologise for having to put my life on display like this and, in effect, add more fodder to this melange of half thought out rants and general complaining, but I see no other way to deal with a situation like this.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Daedalan, in the year 260 AF.

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Public News Post #6908

My Personal Business

Written by: Gelphend - The Pollen Inspector
Date: Wednesday, October 11th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

Recently my wife received a msg that had her rather upset with me. It seems that by following Dalamar to make sure certain groves weren't exterminated I was in turn "helping him burn the forest". At least that's how someone put it to her. I want to make it very clear to everyone that I am not helping Dalamar in this, and if you have a problem with me or anything I do I want to hear about it from you, not Bumble.
I do not want to hear about any further messages being sent to my wife when the sender knows very well that those messages should be sent directly to me. I want to make it extremely clear that I will not tolerate cowardice of this nature, attempting to direct attacks at me through my wife.
Since my wife refused to tell me who sent the message I won't be exacting any measure of compensation from the individual. However, I assure whoever hid behind my wife in this manner that if I do find out who they are they will regret not dealing with me in the first place as is the custom among most civilized people.
I regret and appologise for having to put my life on display like this and, in effect, add more fodder to this melange of half thought out rants and general complaining, but I see no other way to deal with a situation like this.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Daedalan, in the year 260 AF.

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