Achaean News
Written by: Aylara
Date: Sunday, October 8th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone
Oh yeah, I thought I was oc'ed because I made you look stupid on a
valid point. Oh yes, my mistake Crystalhome is at Gifted not Expert.
Well you know instead of putting members who've already spent time
working, serving the guild, donating cash, and otherwise on probation
how about rewarding those people instead of putting them on probation,
hmm? Or maybe, you could at least tell those people, before you go
out and do something like that. Sounds like a winning idea to me.
And explain to me what exactly is the point of marking out a members
guild rank in their title? It says to the world, I'm a newbie pick on
me! I mean, it can be a show of pride to have your guild class
stated in your title, but it's a kick in the ass to have your status
in that same title.
Oh and how about that nice little blunder putting everyone on probation
and making it virtually impossible to read the news?
Last time, I looked not to many people in the guild were all that willing
to let me in there. You, yourself created a bag for me, and dragged me
out yourself to make sure that I was gone. Yeah, that sure looks to me
like a guild member helping another out, when you push me straight out
the door.
Crystals? There was only one person kind enough to give me any crystals
at all, something you yourself neglected to do, and never even mentioned.
And certainly nobody else offered to either.
Oh yes, your own charter also said to respect the Sorcerer deity, I am
certainly happy to respect the Gods, but it says nothing about having to
respect those who don't deserve that or haven't earned it.
By the way, Drazik, weren't you a Druid at a time not to
long ago? What does it say about a guild member who turns tail and runs
at the first sign of something new? Hmm, or something different?
Kinda sounds to me, like someone who won't commit to staying in a guild
for life.
Penned by my hand on the 18th of Glacian, in the year 259 AF.
Written by: Aylara
Date: Sunday, October 8th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone
Oh yeah, I thought I was oc'ed because I made you look stupid on a
valid point. Oh yes, my mistake Crystalhome is at Gifted not Expert.
Well you know instead of putting members who've already spent time
working, serving the guild, donating cash, and otherwise on probation
how about rewarding those people instead of putting them on probation,
hmm? Or maybe, you could at least tell those people, before you go
out and do something like that. Sounds like a winning idea to me.
And explain to me what exactly is the point of marking out a members
guild rank in their title? It says to the world, I'm a newbie pick on
me! I mean, it can be a show of pride to have your guild class
stated in your title, but it's a kick in the ass to have your status
in that same title.
Oh and how about that nice little blunder putting everyone on probation
and making it virtually impossible to read the news?
Last time, I looked not to many people in the guild were all that willing
to let me in there. You, yourself created a bag for me, and dragged me
out yourself to make sure that I was gone. Yeah, that sure looks to me
like a guild member helping another out, when you push me straight out
the door.
Crystals? There was only one person kind enough to give me any crystals
at all, something you yourself neglected to do, and never even mentioned.
And certainly nobody else offered to either.
Oh yes, your own charter also said to respect the Sorcerer deity, I am
certainly happy to respect the Gods, but it says nothing about having to
respect those who don't deserve that or haven't earned it.
By the way, Drazik, weren't you a Druid at a time not to
long ago? What does it say about a guild member who turns tail and runs
at the first sign of something new? Hmm, or something different?
Kinda sounds to me, like someone who won't commit to staying in a guild
for life.
Penned by my hand on the 18th of Glacian, in the year 259 AF.