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Public News Post #3715

This war and where it began

Written by: Contemplative Fuu, Seeker of Enlightenment
Date: Tuesday, January 11th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

Ok I am in no way a political person in fact I think a lot of it bull because as I study history I see a lot of it is just the way things have always been in fact The reason for the first mortal to kill a mortal was because of this stupid war I just love how the history books put it in fact I am going to rewrite it here "Gawain becomes the first player to kill another, dealing out righteous justice to the chaotic Harlequin." I have never talk to these two people but I wonder if Harlequin agrees to the way it is writen after all the history books are alway writen by the winners.

What I am saying is no matter how many treaty you people write Ashtan will always hate the Chruch/Shallam and will always find a way to to work around the treaty that you write. I am not saying give up but just don't get mad when it fails. Just go to war and then try to make peace.


Penned by my hand on the 9th of Scarlatan, in the year 238 AF.

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Public News Post #3715

This war and where it began

Written by: Contemplative Fuu, Seeker of Enlightenment
Date: Tuesday, January 11th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

Ok I am in no way a political person in fact I think a lot of it bull because as I study history I see a lot of it is just the way things have always been in fact The reason for the first mortal to kill a mortal was because of this stupid war I just love how the history books put it in fact I am going to rewrite it here "Gawain becomes the first player to kill another, dealing out righteous justice to the chaotic Harlequin." I have never talk to these two people but I wonder if Harlequin agrees to the way it is writen after all the history books are alway writen by the winners.

What I am saying is no matter how many treaty you people write Ashtan will always hate the Chruch/Shallam and will always find a way to to work around the treaty that you write. I am not saying give up but just don't get mad when it fails. Just go to war and then try to make peace.


Penned by my hand on the 9th of Scarlatan, in the year 238 AF.

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