Achaean News
Written by: Saelily
Date: Tuesday, December 24th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone
Merry Logosmas-Eve, Sapience!
The Seamstress Mafia has yet again decided that no hands or feet (or claws/fins/hooves/tentacles/what have you) should be cold and giftless this Logosmas.
Across the land you shall find happy little stockings with some simple warmth for everyone we've seen over the past few years.
If we missed your name, please don't be too shy to reach out us!
Logosmas goes until the Vault turns and this is still not a census scheme.
Stockings for my beloved fellow rogues are westwards from Delos.
Targossian stockings go from Fish Street north up the highway.
Eleusians are from crown of the Great Oak down to the riverside woodlands beneath the legally but not really a gate.
Cyrenians will find theirs along Lake Muurn, going clockwise around the lake and spiraling inwards. (There are a lot of you!)
Mhaldorians should search the highway leading towards His Isle.
Hashani stockings start at the southern no-longer-a-gate and flow north-ish.
Ashtani stockings start outside the post office and go south towards the gates.
Attempts were made to keep them roughly alphabetical.
If you recently moved, we may have misplaced yours near your old home, sorry! A few others may be out of place, as well.
If you struggle to find yours, simply ask!
If you see one for a loved one or friend, we've left space for you to add something!
A little personal love is far warmer than some new mittens, after all!
Merry Logosmas to All!
Saelily, Archaesthete of the Seamstress Mafia
Princess Laurlae'Thee, The Prelate of Prim of the Seamstress Mafia
Drefan Ar'kena, Owner, Operator and sole Producer of Ar'kena Aromatics
Baroness Sylvi Wineapple, The Knitter of Nooses of the Seamstress Mafia
Penned by my hand on the 11th of Miraman, in the year 964 AF.
Written by: Saelily
Date: Tuesday, December 24th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone
Merry Logosmas-Eve, Sapience!
The Seamstress Mafia has yet again decided that no hands or feet (or claws/fins/hooves/tentacles/what have you) should be cold and giftless this Logosmas.
Across the land you shall find happy little stockings with some simple warmth for everyone we've seen over the past few years.
If we missed your name, please don't be too shy to reach out us!
Logosmas goes until the Vault turns and this is still not a census scheme.
Stockings for my beloved fellow rogues are westwards from Delos.
Targossian stockings go from Fish Street north up the highway.
Eleusians are from crown of the Great Oak down to the riverside woodlands beneath the legally but not really a gate.
Cyrenians will find theirs along Lake Muurn, going clockwise around the lake and spiraling inwards. (There are a lot of you!)
Mhaldorians should search the highway leading towards His Isle.
Hashani stockings start at the southern no-longer-a-gate and flow north-ish.
Ashtani stockings start outside the post office and go south towards the gates.
Attempts were made to keep them roughly alphabetical.
If you recently moved, we may have misplaced yours near your old home, sorry! A few others may be out of place, as well.
If you struggle to find yours, simply ask!
If you see one for a loved one or friend, we've left space for you to add something!
A little personal love is far warmer than some new mittens, after all!
Merry Logosmas to All!
Saelily, Archaesthete of the Seamstress Mafia
Princess Laurlae'Thee, The Prelate of Prim of the Seamstress Mafia
Drefan Ar'kena, Owner, Operator and sole Producer of Ar'kena Aromatics
Baroness Sylvi Wineapple, The Knitter of Nooses of the Seamstress Mafia
Penned by my hand on the 11th of Miraman, in the year 964 AF.