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Public News Post #21993

Burdock Donations of 956 AF and Targossas

Written by: Librarian Annase Doudegen D'Arcangeli
Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey Sapience! Sorry, I'm fashionably late this year, but you're not getting rid of me anytime soon!

Since a couple decades ago, I've been doing my best to eradicate the Ashen Scale (also known as the Xorani illness) by donating burdock roots to every major City-Estate in Sapience, plus a couple villages!

You can read more about this illness and what it does in the public News Posts #21768 and #21776. You can also reach out to your friends, mentors, or my husband, Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli, for more information about this disease.

Anyway! If you need them, please feel free to reach out to me, or to visit the places listed below.

Ashtan: The Seat of Chaos has requested to not donate more burdock roots to them for the time being.
Cyrene: Resting comfortably at the chest at Centre Crossing.
Jaru Village: Within a renovated chapel.
Eleusis: The village of Eleusis has requested to not receive burdock roots, since they harvest plenty.
Hashan: Resting comfortably at the chest at The Crossroads.
Mhaldor: Mailed to Sir Antoninus Nithilar, Tyrannus of Mhaldor.
Targossas: You SENSELESS, STUPID COWARDS! Last year you weren't happy with "destroying" the roots I donated (did you burn them?), you also had to mail, supposedly, ALL the burdock roots in your City to my husband.

What? Are you afraid that some little roots will plant and spread Chaos in your sterile streets? Do you know how idiotic that sounds? You guys have a BIG Xorani population. You know that not only Xorani can get sick, right? They're just the ones who get the worst of the symptoms. And it spreads. We've been lucky enough to not see it mutate in the last centuries.

You're NOT doing your City nor your people any favours by deciding to vanish the "damned" roots. I pray to any God that might be listening that I'm wrong, and you didn't actually choose to ban the only known cure to the Ashen Scale. Because that's STUPID. But, hey! Isn't Sapience glad that you guys are all about protecting Creation? Is letting people fall ill part of your twisted agenda now?


A large batch of burdock roots will be delivered to the Isle of Prin soon.

Are you working on an alternative cure to the illness? Do you have more information about the illness or the roots themselves? Please let me know! I'd love to hear all about it and even sponsor you.

A burdock a year keeps the illness away!
Librarian Annase Doudegen D'Arcangeli Si'Talvace
Boring illusionist, cool poet, Cyrene's cooler traitor and, apparently, Creation's twister. Fear me!

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Aeguary, in the year 958 AF.

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Public News Post #21993

Burdock Donations of 956 AF and Targossas

Written by: Librarian Annase Doudegen D'Arcangeli
Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey Sapience! Sorry, I'm fashionably late this year, but you're not getting rid of me anytime soon!

Since a couple decades ago, I've been doing my best to eradicate the Ashen Scale (also known as the Xorani illness) by donating burdock roots to every major City-Estate in Sapience, plus a couple villages!

You can read more about this illness and what it does in the public News Posts #21768 and #21776. You can also reach out to your friends, mentors, or my husband, Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli, for more information about this disease.

Anyway! If you need them, please feel free to reach out to me, or to visit the places listed below.

Ashtan: The Seat of Chaos has requested to not donate more burdock roots to them for the time being.
Cyrene: Resting comfortably at the chest at Centre Crossing.
Jaru Village: Within a renovated chapel.
Eleusis: The village of Eleusis has requested to not receive burdock roots, since they harvest plenty.
Hashan: Resting comfortably at the chest at The Crossroads.
Mhaldor: Mailed to Sir Antoninus Nithilar, Tyrannus of Mhaldor.
Targossas: You SENSELESS, STUPID COWARDS! Last year you weren't happy with "destroying" the roots I donated (did you burn them?), you also had to mail, supposedly, ALL the burdock roots in your City to my husband.

What? Are you afraid that some little roots will plant and spread Chaos in your sterile streets? Do you know how idiotic that sounds? You guys have a BIG Xorani population. You know that not only Xorani can get sick, right? They're just the ones who get the worst of the symptoms. And it spreads. We've been lucky enough to not see it mutate in the last centuries.

You're NOT doing your City nor your people any favours by deciding to vanish the "damned" roots. I pray to any God that might be listening that I'm wrong, and you didn't actually choose to ban the only known cure to the Ashen Scale. Because that's STUPID. But, hey! Isn't Sapience glad that you guys are all about protecting Creation? Is letting people fall ill part of your twisted agenda now?


A large batch of burdock roots will be delivered to the Isle of Prin soon.

Are you working on an alternative cure to the illness? Do you have more information about the illness or the roots themselves? Please let me know! I'd love to hear all about it and even sponsor you.

A burdock a year keeps the illness away!
Librarian Annase Doudegen D'Arcangeli Si'Talvace
Boring illusionist, cool poet, Cyrene's cooler traitor and, apparently, Creation's twister. Fear me!

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Aeguary, in the year 958 AF.

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