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Public News Post #21981

On the Citiless Wanderers

Written by: Augtavian Lockwood
Date: Monday, September 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Tomekeeper Jems Aristata of the Black Cathedral

Greetings Jems,

Thank you for letting me know about that clan. I have been a member myself for a few years now, and have found it useful indeed! I've had discussions there several times about my plans and how it varies from the Wanderers.

Mainly, what I am offering is exclusive to rogues only. In addition I would expect all of the rogues to exist in both places. Nikoda has one vision, and I have another. They do not need to be mutually exclusive.

You see, each city has an agenda. This Rogue state of ours will have one too, someday, I hope. That is not for me to dictate. I'm just a fat dragon who put down the gold and gave himself a nice title. I'm opening the door, what my fellow rogues decide to do on the other side is up to them.

Finally I will mention for no other reason than I am proud of it. I am no stranger to creating amazing clans. I had the idea for the Foray Soiree, but it was all who joined who made it. One simple idea has created tens of thousands of credits.

Sure, I let my ego get the best of me. I kicked out a few people that didn't deserve it. I've probably annoyed more than a few people there too. I'm not perfect, far from it! And when I couldn't show my clan the love it needed, I handed it off and don't regret it a moment.

The bottom line is this: I don't give a shit about power. I never have. Everytime I managed to grasp on to it I used it to lift others up, never hold them down. Let cities have their councils and their hording of power. I don't want it, never have.

All I want to do is make oppertunities, awesome clans, and surround myself by people who love me for the man I've become.

Whatever they say I am, I am.

First Citizen Augtavian Lockwood.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Mayan, in the year 956 AF.

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Public News Post #21981

On the Citiless Wanderers

Written by: Augtavian Lockwood
Date: Monday, September 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Tomekeeper Jems Aristata of the Black Cathedral

Greetings Jems,

Thank you for letting me know about that clan. I have been a member myself for a few years now, and have found it useful indeed! I've had discussions there several times about my plans and how it varies from the Wanderers.

Mainly, what I am offering is exclusive to rogues only. In addition I would expect all of the rogues to exist in both places. Nikoda has one vision, and I have another. They do not need to be mutually exclusive.

You see, each city has an agenda. This Rogue state of ours will have one too, someday, I hope. That is not for me to dictate. I'm just a fat dragon who put down the gold and gave himself a nice title. I'm opening the door, what my fellow rogues decide to do on the other side is up to them.

Finally I will mention for no other reason than I am proud of it. I am no stranger to creating amazing clans. I had the idea for the Foray Soiree, but it was all who joined who made it. One simple idea has created tens of thousands of credits.

Sure, I let my ego get the best of me. I kicked out a few people that didn't deserve it. I've probably annoyed more than a few people there too. I'm not perfect, far from it! And when I couldn't show my clan the love it needed, I handed it off and don't regret it a moment.

The bottom line is this: I don't give a shit about power. I never have. Everytime I managed to grasp on to it I used it to lift others up, never hold them down. Let cities have their councils and their hording of power. I don't want it, never have.

All I want to do is make oppertunities, awesome clans, and surround myself by people who love me for the man I've become.

Whatever they say I am, I am.

First Citizen Augtavian Lockwood.

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Mayan, in the year 956 AF.

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