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Public News Post #21951

The Sport of Jousting

Written by: Sir Kresslack Matrose
Date: Sunday, July 21st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


Much has unfolded in the last few months, and with the World Games ready to kick off like a stubborn young colt yet to take to bridle, much more excitement will soon be upon us. Recent times have been considerably dreary, dire, and at times downright dismal. Be that as it may, we find ourselves in a moment of respite; as we return to some semblance of our normal lives and routines, lend me your attention if only briefly whilst you rest and recover.

The past years has seen a resurgence of the sport of jousting. The origins of this sport seem rooted in history and tradition, and semblances of it have been witnessed in our lands for centuries. Tournaments have long been hosted by various organisers, sometimes as part of a bigger event, and other times as the main attraction. From Itinerant Bazaar, to Delos, to as far now as Aster Malik in Meropis, this sport has grown to new popularity. Even the halflings from the village of Merrywick seem to hold an appreciation for the sport.

More than just a sport, jousting is a spectacle to behold, and the value of such entertainment can be found in a variety of ways. Sign up for the lists and test your courage and skill, or simply enjoy the show from the safety of the spectator stands. One might even find opportunity to bolster their coin purse with a well placed wager.

The heart of the sport though lies in competition, of a spirited but civilised sort. It is with interest of cultivating this competitive spirit further that I invite any interested in learning more about the art of the joust to seek me out. The Delosian Jousting League welcomes any interested in this art, whether to learn or lend aid to organisation of events. Jousters of all skill level are welcome, though your skill on a mount will need to Transcend that of an average commoner.

Whether for glory of self or home, seeking an new thrill, or simply wishing to test your skill and mettle against others, the tilt field calls to you. It offers an opportunity to witness and to pursue greatness; to establish a legacy.

It is with this in mind as well, I entreat those responsible for organising the World Games to consider giving Jousting a place among the Games. The traditional contests have long allowed competitors to prove their skill on foot and on ship, with weapons and with mind. It seems only proper it offer the chance to prove skill with both upon a worthy steed.

Berkana Surround,

- Sir Kresslack Matrose

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 951 AF.

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Public News Post #21951

The Sport of Jousting

Written by: Sir Kresslack Matrose
Date: Sunday, July 21st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


Much has unfolded in the last few months, and with the World Games ready to kick off like a stubborn young colt yet to take to bridle, much more excitement will soon be upon us. Recent times have been considerably dreary, dire, and at times downright dismal. Be that as it may, we find ourselves in a moment of respite; as we return to some semblance of our normal lives and routines, lend me your attention if only briefly whilst you rest and recover.

The past years has seen a resurgence of the sport of jousting. The origins of this sport seem rooted in history and tradition, and semblances of it have been witnessed in our lands for centuries. Tournaments have long been hosted by various organisers, sometimes as part of a bigger event, and other times as the main attraction. From Itinerant Bazaar, to Delos, to as far now as Aster Malik in Meropis, this sport has grown to new popularity. Even the halflings from the village of Merrywick seem to hold an appreciation for the sport.

More than just a sport, jousting is a spectacle to behold, and the value of such entertainment can be found in a variety of ways. Sign up for the lists and test your courage and skill, or simply enjoy the show from the safety of the spectator stands. One might even find opportunity to bolster their coin purse with a well placed wager.

The heart of the sport though lies in competition, of a spirited but civilised sort. It is with interest of cultivating this competitive spirit further that I invite any interested in learning more about the art of the joust to seek me out. The Delosian Jousting League welcomes any interested in this art, whether to learn or lend aid to organisation of events. Jousters of all skill level are welcome, though your skill on a mount will need to Transcend that of an average commoner.

Whether for glory of self or home, seeking an new thrill, or simply wishing to test your skill and mettle against others, the tilt field calls to you. It offers an opportunity to witness and to pursue greatness; to establish a legacy.

It is with this in mind as well, I entreat those responsible for organising the World Games to consider giving Jousting a place among the Games. The traditional contests have long allowed competitors to prove their skill on foot and on ship, with weapons and with mind. It seems only proper it offer the chance to prove skill with both upon a worthy steed.

Berkana Surround,

- Sir Kresslack Matrose

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 951 AF.

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