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Public News Post #21944

The Mountain

Written by: Seneschal Nezaya Visindi, Witch
Date: Monday, July 15th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Dear Thiesehk,

Though I believe the topic moot and likely the reason you did not arrive, you had an appointment with me that you did not keep. I understand of course, at the time upon which we agreed you were in very important conversations with a number of persons I hold in love and high esteem, and I am grateful that they were able to speak with you.

Though we may not have our formal moment of decision, I would be remiss not to ensure that we were open regarding our intention. You have made your hatred of treachery well apparent and I believe you have earned the respect of being treated with good faith.

Hashan has decided.

We thank you for your offer. We respectfully decline.

This is neither bravado nor guile. There is no malice, mockery or jest in my words to you. I have come to admire you, for just as you say that we are of many facets, so too are you. You are complex and your intricacies beautiful. I have followed your path, Cabot carrying me tirelessly. You claim you cannot change, but I do not believe it. I believe your path has made you all the more magnificent, new facets revealed one after another. I admit my perception is limited as a mortal, but in this instance the slow revelation has been a blessing.

I once considered you a terrible foe. A plague, as you put it. By your deeds you have shown me my error, and I cannot compliment higher than that.

Yet you have your purpose, and the hour races toward us. I sense within you a desire not to fulfill it, but you are weary, but cannot sleep until the work is done.

The offer you made was to leave Cyrene to its own defence. Not the stones but the people. You made this same offer to them in reverse, and they declined. I think you would approve that we keep the faith with those who keep the faith with us. The month you gave us was confirmed by our mystic, that of Chronos which represents Time and Change. We do not believe this is an accident. I have consulted my varying methods of augury - which admittedly is not a specialty of mine. Even so, they point to the 16th of Chronos, 951.

On that day, the Court of Shadows shall stand beside the Heart of the Vashnars and we shall extend an invitation to you. While I do not think you would have trouble finding us, the location shall be conspicuous and the invitation respectful and welcoming. Your nature does not allow you to halt the path you are on, and we must ourselves provide the repose you seek.

Some may consider this message ill-advised, but they do not understand you. I would consider it the height of arrogance to think you not know all of this. No one can lie to Death. Why then do I write it?

The world will never understand you properly, there is far too much fear and hesitancy. May my words, that of an enemy turned admirer, stand as testament of your quality for all those who learn your name.

And should we fail, this shall be the testament that to be mortal is to forge one's own destiny, and to choose our own fate.

We shall see you upon the mountain.

Countess Nezaya Visindi
Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Scarlatan, in the year 951 AF.

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Public News Post #21944

The Mountain

Written by: Seneschal Nezaya Visindi, Witch
Date: Monday, July 15th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Dear Thiesehk,

Though I believe the topic moot and likely the reason you did not arrive, you had an appointment with me that you did not keep. I understand of course, at the time upon which we agreed you were in very important conversations with a number of persons I hold in love and high esteem, and I am grateful that they were able to speak with you.

Though we may not have our formal moment of decision, I would be remiss not to ensure that we were open regarding our intention. You have made your hatred of treachery well apparent and I believe you have earned the respect of being treated with good faith.

Hashan has decided.

We thank you for your offer. We respectfully decline.

This is neither bravado nor guile. There is no malice, mockery or jest in my words to you. I have come to admire you, for just as you say that we are of many facets, so too are you. You are complex and your intricacies beautiful. I have followed your path, Cabot carrying me tirelessly. You claim you cannot change, but I do not believe it. I believe your path has made you all the more magnificent, new facets revealed one after another. I admit my perception is limited as a mortal, but in this instance the slow revelation has been a blessing.

I once considered you a terrible foe. A plague, as you put it. By your deeds you have shown me my error, and I cannot compliment higher than that.

Yet you have your purpose, and the hour races toward us. I sense within you a desire not to fulfill it, but you are weary, but cannot sleep until the work is done.

The offer you made was to leave Cyrene to its own defence. Not the stones but the people. You made this same offer to them in reverse, and they declined. I think you would approve that we keep the faith with those who keep the faith with us. The month you gave us was confirmed by our mystic, that of Chronos which represents Time and Change. We do not believe this is an accident. I have consulted my varying methods of augury - which admittedly is not a specialty of mine. Even so, they point to the 16th of Chronos, 951.

On that day, the Court of Shadows shall stand beside the Heart of the Vashnars and we shall extend an invitation to you. While I do not think you would have trouble finding us, the location shall be conspicuous and the invitation respectful and welcoming. Your nature does not allow you to halt the path you are on, and we must ourselves provide the repose you seek.

Some may consider this message ill-advised, but they do not understand you. I would consider it the height of arrogance to think you not know all of this. No one can lie to Death. Why then do I write it?

The world will never understand you properly, there is far too much fear and hesitancy. May my words, that of an enemy turned admirer, stand as testament of your quality for all those who learn your name.

And should we fail, this shall be the testament that to be mortal is to forge one's own destiny, and to choose our own fate.

We shall see you upon the mountain.

Countess Nezaya Visindi
Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Scarlatan, in the year 951 AF.

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