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Public News Post #21926

Stay Awhile, If You Will

Written by: Thrall Glyc Van Helsing
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Dr. Antreus Atreide, the Thanatologist

~Penned on parchment in a weak hand, accompanied with a faint scent of brimstone~

Long has it been since I have graced these boards, and gods be praised for that. It would seem that with recent talk of old guild Occultists in pursuit of the Grimoire, the Endbringer, and the Qui'anar, well I couldn't help but indulge my old friend, Antreus. Much of what I am about to tell you is likely as much confabulation as it is fact, but in a day-and-time in Ashtan and in Sapience much different than our present. Back then, the guild contained equal parts eccentric and eclectic, and among us walked a wide variety of theologues who were free-thinkers, theologues, statesmen, and warrior-librarians the likes of modern day Sapience has never seen since. "But why do I care, Gylc?" You ask? Yes, yes, I'm getting to that.

The "Loving Hearts Orphanage", a tongue-in-cheek moniker that scratched an itch in the cockles of many a would-be chaotician. There were many an aspiring Chaote who sought to recreate the experiment that ultimately led to the transcendence of Servellan De Vermiis into the then Lady of Chaos, Eris during her efforts to summon the spawn of the unnamable horror. The experiment required much of one very notable substance, adrenochrome, and the arrangement that Ashtan had with the Orphanage was very much a 'don't ask, don't tell" when it came to the ultimate fate of the ruffians who were ushered compliantly into the back room. The anonymous attendant, who I affectionally began to call "Bop", saw fit to slip me a vial or two of the stuff for my own "recreational purposes" on occassion. Who would have known that the key to transcendence was so close? There were a few casualties of course, but every omelet requires that you break a few eggs. The adrenochrome itself had myriad properties that were the subject of extensive "experimentation", and was a popular additive to alcoholic beverages at "free lust" parties. Grom was aware of this and applied its use in the transversal of planes. Of course, there is always a cost in the pursuit of greatness, often it is a sacrifice of self.

While the education and pursuit of chaos were tantamout within the guild, among the assemblage were followers of about any denomination you might imagine, primarily Dreamers, Darkwalkers, Qui'anar, Indranians, Pandorans, and Erisians. The Lady smiled upon us in our respective pursuits, and in my case this included the service of Lord Thoth, the Endbringer, prior to his "so believed" demise.

To the unwashed masses, a warning. Beware of tampering with that which you do not understand and, for which are woefully unprepared.

To his Disciples, Qui'anar, and the Quisalis who would see His will be done in the modern era... seek out the shepherd Antreus Atreide. He will know how to guide you to the Master and to the knowledge that you seek.

May Death come for you,

Glyc Van Helsing, the Black Mage

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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Public News Post #21926

Stay Awhile, If You Will

Written by: Thrall Glyc Van Helsing
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Dr. Antreus Atreide, the Thanatologist

~Penned on parchment in a weak hand, accompanied with a faint scent of brimstone~

Long has it been since I have graced these boards, and gods be praised for that. It would seem that with recent talk of old guild Occultists in pursuit of the Grimoire, the Endbringer, and the Qui'anar, well I couldn't help but indulge my old friend, Antreus. Much of what I am about to tell you is likely as much confabulation as it is fact, but in a day-and-time in Ashtan and in Sapience much different than our present. Back then, the guild contained equal parts eccentric and eclectic, and among us walked a wide variety of theologues who were free-thinkers, theologues, statesmen, and warrior-librarians the likes of modern day Sapience has never seen since. "But why do I care, Gylc?" You ask? Yes, yes, I'm getting to that.

The "Loving Hearts Orphanage", a tongue-in-cheek moniker that scratched an itch in the cockles of many a would-be chaotician. There were many an aspiring Chaote who sought to recreate the experiment that ultimately led to the transcendence of Servellan De Vermiis into the then Lady of Chaos, Eris during her efforts to summon the spawn of the unnamable horror. The experiment required much of one very notable substance, adrenochrome, and the arrangement that Ashtan had with the Orphanage was very much a 'don't ask, don't tell" when it came to the ultimate fate of the ruffians who were ushered compliantly into the back room. The anonymous attendant, who I affectionally began to call "Bop", saw fit to slip me a vial or two of the stuff for my own "recreational purposes" on occassion. Who would have known that the key to transcendence was so close? There were a few casualties of course, but every omelet requires that you break a few eggs. The adrenochrome itself had myriad properties that were the subject of extensive "experimentation", and was a popular additive to alcoholic beverages at "free lust" parties. Grom was aware of this and applied its use in the transversal of planes. Of course, there is always a cost in the pursuit of greatness, often it is a sacrifice of self.

While the education and pursuit of chaos were tantamout within the guild, among the assemblage were followers of about any denomination you might imagine, primarily Dreamers, Darkwalkers, Qui'anar, Indranians, Pandorans, and Erisians. The Lady smiled upon us in our respective pursuits, and in my case this included the service of Lord Thoth, the Endbringer, prior to his "so believed" demise.

To the unwashed masses, a warning. Beware of tampering with that which you do not understand and, for which are woefully unprepared.

To his Disciples, Qui'anar, and the Quisalis who would see His will be done in the modern era... seek out the shepherd Antreus Atreide. He will know how to guide you to the Master and to the knowledge that you seek.

May Death come for you,

Glyc Van Helsing, the Black Mage

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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