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Public News Post #20352


Written by: Seneschal Krizal Nyxillum
Date: Thursday, January 24th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone


Your "inexperienced few" included an officer of the Dawnblade, and three dragons. I'm sure they appreciate your demeaning of their accomplishments. At least you grant them the fact that they fought bravely until the end, despite a half-hearted start.

You refuse to entertain talk of apathy, and yet your greatest aspiration is to maintain the status quo. Curious.

You speak of past failures and mistakes, as if they were proof that future attempts will meet the same fate, regardless of circumstances. Perhaps that is what you tell yourself to justify not putting in effort or trying to accomplish feats beyond those of your past.

Mistakes and failures are merely stumbling blocks on the road towards advancement. They must be learned from, certainly, but if we allow them to stop us, to dictate our future, then we are indeed nothing but a failure. All success is built upon the graves of past failures.

To dwell on past accomplishments will also lead only to failure, as past deeds fade into history and are forgotten in the inescapable march of time. To the future we must set our eyes, success or failure, for it is inevitable.

Seneschal Krizal Nyxillum

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Phaestian, in the year 791 AF.

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Public News Post #20352


Written by: Seneschal Krizal Nyxillum
Date: Thursday, January 24th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone


Your "inexperienced few" included an officer of the Dawnblade, and three dragons. I'm sure they appreciate your demeaning of their accomplishments. At least you grant them the fact that they fought bravely until the end, despite a half-hearted start.

You refuse to entertain talk of apathy, and yet your greatest aspiration is to maintain the status quo. Curious.

You speak of past failures and mistakes, as if they were proof that future attempts will meet the same fate, regardless of circumstances. Perhaps that is what you tell yourself to justify not putting in effort or trying to accomplish feats beyond those of your past.

Mistakes and failures are merely stumbling blocks on the road towards advancement. They must be learned from, certainly, but if we allow them to stop us, to dictate our future, then we are indeed nothing but a failure. All success is built upon the graves of past failures.

To dwell on past accomplishments will also lead only to failure, as past deeds fade into history and are forgotten in the inescapable march of time. To the future we must set our eyes, success or failure, for it is inevitable.

Seneschal Krizal Nyxillum

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Phaestian, in the year 791 AF.

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