Achaean News
peace in our time
Written by: Guild Secretary Shin, of the Paladins
Date: Friday, May 21st, 1999
Addressed to: Everyone
It is with mixed feelings I write this post. Im sad to see the war end this way, with the church taking such a beating, but at the same time, I am very relieved to see it end. Some Paladins have left Achaea, never to return, others wait to log on until the war ends, and those that do log on find themselves fighting a losing battle. Some of us have lost upwards of 30 levels. I'm sure that the Priests dont have it much better. The atmosphere has become so poor, that I was encouraged to sue for peace with the leaders of Ashtan by my guild mates. Isildur is not present, and I am the ranking officer in my guild at this time.
Only one member of the Priest guild, Maran, was present as Dalamar, Nimos, Gijan and I spoke terms of peace in Oneiros' cave. Oneiros was also present, as a neutral observer. Maran voiced his dissatisfaction several times, that the church was not being well served by this treaty. I promised him that I would include that. I am still the hightest ranking Church member on line at this critical moment and the Paladins, Oneiros, and the Ashtanites gathered recognized my authority to speak for the Church as a whole.
The war that has been raging for such a very long time is now over. The terms layed out by Ashtan were simple, Shrines will not be erected in North of Thera, or north of that point, all the way to and including the city of Ashtan. Also, Nimos insisted that we officially surrender. Nimos, it is clear that your forces hold the field, and we publicly capitulate. The terms put forth by the Church were this; shrines in Shallam, Pash, the Hall of Pillars in Azdun, and just west of the Delosian bridge, are not to be defiled by Ashtans citizens. Any areas not included in the forementioned areas are free for the erection, sanctification, or defilement of anyone.
All vendettas regarding deeds done in war time are officially annuled. This is the beginning of a new chapter in Achaeas history, this is a good opportunity for the church to recover. I hope my fellows will take advantage of it. Both sides promised to obey the intent of this treaty as well as the letter, which means peace. I would like to thank those who attended, especially Oneiros, for their time. It was a long process. Walk in peace Achaeans.
respectfully, Shin
guild secretary for the Paladins
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Glacian, in the year 219 AF.
peace in our time
Written by: Guild Secretary Shin, of the Paladins
Date: Friday, May 21st, 1999
Addressed to: Everyone
It is with mixed feelings I write this post. Im sad to see the war end this way, with the church taking such a beating, but at the same time, I am very relieved to see it end. Some Paladins have left Achaea, never to return, others wait to log on until the war ends, and those that do log on find themselves fighting a losing battle. Some of us have lost upwards of 30 levels. I'm sure that the Priests dont have it much better. The atmosphere has become so poor, that I was encouraged to sue for peace with the leaders of Ashtan by my guild mates. Isildur is not present, and I am the ranking officer in my guild at this time.
Only one member of the Priest guild, Maran, was present as Dalamar, Nimos, Gijan and I spoke terms of peace in Oneiros' cave. Oneiros was also present, as a neutral observer. Maran voiced his dissatisfaction several times, that the church was not being well served by this treaty. I promised him that I would include that. I am still the hightest ranking Church member on line at this critical moment and the Paladins, Oneiros, and the Ashtanites gathered recognized my authority to speak for the Church as a whole.
The war that has been raging for such a very long time is now over. The terms layed out by Ashtan were simple, Shrines will not be erected in North of Thera, or north of that point, all the way to and including the city of Ashtan. Also, Nimos insisted that we officially surrender. Nimos, it is clear that your forces hold the field, and we publicly capitulate. The terms put forth by the Church were this; shrines in Shallam, Pash, the Hall of Pillars in Azdun, and just west of the Delosian bridge, are not to be defiled by Ashtans citizens. Any areas not included in the forementioned areas are free for the erection, sanctification, or defilement of anyone.
All vendettas regarding deeds done in war time are officially annuled. This is the beginning of a new chapter in Achaeas history, this is a good opportunity for the church to recover. I hope my fellows will take advantage of it. Both sides promised to obey the intent of this treaty as well as the letter, which means peace. I would like to thank those who attended, especially Oneiros, for their time. It was a long process. Walk in peace Achaeans.
respectfully, Shin
guild secretary for the Paladins
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Glacian, in the year 219 AF.