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Events News Post #795

The Tale of Woe

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The accord between the Undeath and cities of Cyrene and Targossas remained to be honoured. To secure peace, the Prince of Woe would be inhumed with dignity and solemnity to befit royalty.

After the agreement was struck an enigmatic figure arrived at Cyrene's gates. Calling herself Moksha, this Singer of Finality introduced herself as one sent by Scarlatti to be guide through the task of planning and carrying out funerary rites for Pazuzu.

Under her instruction, eighteen Cyrenians took the year 948 AF to prepare in honour of the Gods who struck the Demon in that final battle upon Memory. Concurrently, the city's remainder prepared offerings to those Divinities that did not strike him but nevertheless bent Their fury upon Their foe. One among all prepared to serve as anchor and ritualist.

Sarapin of 949 AF came quickly.

Under wards held fast by the Lightbringer's Order, the funerary rite proceeded. The corresponding body parts were destroyed by a portion of the Flame of Adroushan, called forth by the Caefir Conloadh.

Upon rite's conclusion, the Singer of Finality made one final appeal to the Gods. Their voices opened from the heavens and rendered reply.

It was not enough.

Struck silent by failure to move the Pantheon, the adventurers reeled. So much effort, for nothing?

Yet the Great Bard spoke.

He chastised His brethren as only family might. And He proposed a sacrifice to the Pantheon in exchange for transference: that which blighted Black Pazuzu in his life's end and death would forever be borne by Cyrene instead.

Cyrene's stories would be surrendered. The power of their tales - comfort, heroism, courage, sadness, joy - would be surrendered. Instead they would be an offering to His kin in exchange for Their help in this most trying moment.

Sacrifice merited aid.

Taking from Cyrene the power of their narratives, the Great Bard bestowed upon them custodianship of the tale of Pazuzu. Theirs would be the charge to remember his life, his end, and the meaning of his tale. It was a tale they would not be afeared to tell.

To cement this new accord, He bestowed upon Bards a greater fragment of His grace, His voice, and His storytelling. But while many would speak the tales of Sapience, in Cyrene Bards would herald Woe's tale: their sacred trust.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: On Sarapin of 949 AF, Cyrene and Targossas held a funerary rite for the Black Prince of Woe, Pazuzu. Their offerings initially rebuffed, Scarlatti proposed a deal: all of Cyrene's stories in exchange for the Gods' help in ushering away Pazuzu's spirit. With this covenant, Woe's soul was forever set to peaceful rest while Bards received new skills in lieu of the old: Bladedance, Compositions, and Sagas, while Cyrene exchanged their Sagas for Woe.

Penned by My hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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Events News Post #795

The Tale of Woe

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The accord between the Undeath and cities of Cyrene and Targossas remained to be honoured. To secure peace, the Prince of Woe would be inhumed with dignity and solemnity to befit royalty.

After the agreement was struck an enigmatic figure arrived at Cyrene's gates. Calling herself Moksha, this Singer of Finality introduced herself as one sent by Scarlatti to be guide through the task of planning and carrying out funerary rites for Pazuzu.

Under her instruction, eighteen Cyrenians took the year 948 AF to prepare in honour of the Gods who struck the Demon in that final battle upon Memory. Concurrently, the city's remainder prepared offerings to those Divinities that did not strike him but nevertheless bent Their fury upon Their foe. One among all prepared to serve as anchor and ritualist.

Sarapin of 949 AF came quickly.

Under wards held fast by the Lightbringer's Order, the funerary rite proceeded. The corresponding body parts were destroyed by a portion of the Flame of Adroushan, called forth by the Caefir Conloadh.

Upon rite's conclusion, the Singer of Finality made one final appeal to the Gods. Their voices opened from the heavens and rendered reply.

It was not enough.

Struck silent by failure to move the Pantheon, the adventurers reeled. So much effort, for nothing?

Yet the Great Bard spoke.

He chastised His brethren as only family might. And He proposed a sacrifice to the Pantheon in exchange for transference: that which blighted Black Pazuzu in his life's end and death would forever be borne by Cyrene instead.

Cyrene's stories would be surrendered. The power of their tales - comfort, heroism, courage, sadness, joy - would be surrendered. Instead they would be an offering to His kin in exchange for Their help in this most trying moment.

Sacrifice merited aid.

Taking from Cyrene the power of their narratives, the Great Bard bestowed upon them custodianship of the tale of Pazuzu. Theirs would be the charge to remember his life, his end, and the meaning of his tale. It was a tale they would not be afeared to tell.

To cement this new accord, He bestowed upon Bards a greater fragment of His grace, His voice, and His storytelling. But while many would speak the tales of Sapience, in Cyrene Bards would herald Woe's tale: their sacred trust.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: On Sarapin of 949 AF, Cyrene and Targossas held a funerary rite for the Black Prince of Woe, Pazuzu. Their offerings initially rebuffed, Scarlatti proposed a deal: all of Cyrene's stories in exchange for the Gods' help in ushering away Pazuzu's spirit. With this covenant, Woe's soul was forever set to peaceful rest while Bards received new skills in lieu of the old: Bladedance, Compositions, and Sagas, while Cyrene exchanged their Sagas for Woe.

Penned by My hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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