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Announce News Post #5593

952 Riddles - Results!

Written by: Nicola
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Well, we think everyone has learned a little something today! That was a test of knowledge and of perspective, and of thinking around corners!

Congratulations go to Antoninus and his team, he takes first place in the riddle! Earning 400 credits and 12 points in the race for the auction item!

2nd place is Alyzar earning 350 credits and 10 points.
3rd place is Nezaya earning 300 credits and 8 points.
4th place is Veldrin earning 250 credits and 6 points.
5th place is Yilui earning 200 credits and 5 points.
6th place is Moroa earning 150 credits and 4 points.
7th place is Faerum earning 100 credits and 3 points.
8th place is Carmling earning 50 credits and 2 points.
9th place is Inuad earning 20 credits and 1 points.
10th place is Alashi earning 20 credits and 0.5 points.

Our overall points currently:

34 Alyzar
23 Veldrin
21 Antoninus
17 Faerum
14 Axios
14 Moroa
8 Nezaya
8 Yilui
6 Laorir
3 Tarvius
2 Carmling
2 Willem
1 Inuad
1 Proficy
1 Aroan
1 Alashi
0.5 Bartholomeus
0.5 Nythrakis

Penned by My hand on the 4th of Ero, in the year 952 AF.

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Announce News Post #5593

952 Riddles - Results!

Written by: Nicola
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Well, we think everyone has learned a little something today! That was a test of knowledge and of perspective, and of thinking around corners!

Congratulations go to Antoninus and his team, he takes first place in the riddle! Earning 400 credits and 12 points in the race for the auction item!

2nd place is Alyzar earning 350 credits and 10 points.
3rd place is Nezaya earning 300 credits and 8 points.
4th place is Veldrin earning 250 credits and 6 points.
5th place is Yilui earning 200 credits and 5 points.
6th place is Moroa earning 150 credits and 4 points.
7th place is Faerum earning 100 credits and 3 points.
8th place is Carmling earning 50 credits and 2 points.
9th place is Inuad earning 20 credits and 1 points.
10th place is Alashi earning 20 credits and 0.5 points.

Our overall points currently:

34 Alyzar
23 Veldrin
21 Antoninus
17 Faerum
14 Axios
14 Moroa
8 Nezaya
8 Yilui
6 Laorir
3 Tarvius
2 Carmling
2 Willem
1 Inuad
1 Proficy
1 Aroan
1 Alashi
0.5 Bartholomeus
0.5 Nythrakis

Penned by My hand on the 4th of Ero, in the year 952 AF.

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