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Announce News Post #4459

Year 700: XP Event

Written by: Tecton the Terraformer
Date: Sunday, November 29th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

In the first of the articles on our new championship events, we'll be covering the XP event!

Traditionally, the XP event was a 24 hour bash-fest across Sapience, leaving nothing but battered corpses and empty villages in its wake. For Year 700, we're doing things a little differently! During the 48 hour event, you will have a six hour window in one of four new areas to amass the highest possible score!

Each of these new areas is filled with endless waves of creatures, who will continuously spawn in groups, filling the area with a variety of nasty villains to slay. The waves will get continually more difficult as they're vanquished, until the highest difficulty creatures are dispatched. Should they prove too strong for you and the rest of the participants in your area, you have the option of waiting for the waves to reset, which will eat some of your precious time. If you're brave enough to conquer the final wave, the reset will happen immediately, allowing you to continue to amass points.

Your window will commence the first time you join the event, and run in a single, continuous block until your time expires, or the end of the event (23:59 GMT on Sunday). This will allow you to participate at a time that works best for you, whatever your timezone!

The area you transported to is assigned at random at the beginning of the event, and you will be locked into that for the duration of your time window. Each of these areas are entirely isolated from the others, meaning abilities and artefacts for transport or attacks will not work between them.

Experience loss and PK experience gain are disabled during the event, and while inside the new areas, all participants can be freely attacked by any other adventurer(*). Dying inside the contest area will put you immediately in the prayer sequence and activate a five minute timer until you can rejoin the action. Player kills are not worth any points, so chose your activities inside the contest zone wisely.

(*) We encourage healthy competition, so in order to prevent anyone going overboard, you'll receive a stacking debuff each time you kill another adventurer. This effect will increase the time until you can rejoin the event after you've been slain. This effect is cleared when you die.

Penned by My hand on the 25th of Phaestian, in the year 699 AF.

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Announce News Post #4459

Year 700: XP Event

Written by: Tecton the Terraformer
Date: Sunday, November 29th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

In the first of the articles on our new championship events, we'll be covering the XP event!

Traditionally, the XP event was a 24 hour bash-fest across Sapience, leaving nothing but battered corpses and empty villages in its wake. For Year 700, we're doing things a little differently! During the 48 hour event, you will have a six hour window in one of four new areas to amass the highest possible score!

Each of these new areas is filled with endless waves of creatures, who will continuously spawn in groups, filling the area with a variety of nasty villains to slay. The waves will get continually more difficult as they're vanquished, until the highest difficulty creatures are dispatched. Should they prove too strong for you and the rest of the participants in your area, you have the option of waiting for the waves to reset, which will eat some of your precious time. If you're brave enough to conquer the final wave, the reset will happen immediately, allowing you to continue to amass points.

Your window will commence the first time you join the event, and run in a single, continuous block until your time expires, or the end of the event (23:59 GMT on Sunday). This will allow you to participate at a time that works best for you, whatever your timezone!

The area you transported to is assigned at random at the beginning of the event, and you will be locked into that for the duration of your time window. Each of these areas are entirely isolated from the others, meaning abilities and artefacts for transport or attacks will not work between them.

Experience loss and PK experience gain are disabled during the event, and while inside the new areas, all participants can be freely attacked by any other adventurer(*). Dying inside the contest area will put you immediately in the prayer sequence and activate a five minute timer until you can rejoin the action. Player kills are not worth any points, so chose your activities inside the contest zone wisely.

(*) We encourage healthy competition, so in order to prevent anyone going overboard, you'll receive a stacking debuff each time you kill another adventurer. This effect will increase the time until you can rejoin the event after you've been slain. This effect is cleared when you die.

Penned by My hand on the 25th of Phaestian, in the year 699 AF.

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