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It’s October already! Birthday month is behind us, but we’re not slowing down at all with plenty of excitement to come. Mayaween, Logosmas, and a great deal more things are on the horizon! See UPCOMING for some teasers! And so, as we say goodbye to globes of shifting continents, we welcome back the Wheel of…
Read MoreWandering through the streets of Ashtan in the year 833 AF, it was Paine Saer’rac that first alerted the city about a strange, bloody handprint. He had not been the first to find it, no, but he had been the first to notice how out of place it was, even in a city as rife…
Read MoreFor those who are not familiar, a Great Hunt is a 24 hour hunting contest with various credit prizes! Prize tiers are split into three levels: below level 80, below level 99, and “open” which is anything above 99 and onwards! As is customary, we have: Double experience (this has been in effect since yesterday…
Read MoreAs most of you have no doubt just observed, thanks to the efforts of Yudhishthira and the Conclave, there are now five new forays available! Memories of the Second Conclave Reckoning have been recaptured and made available for intrepid dungeoneering groups. SIGN for these exactly as you would normally. Each of these new forays behaves…
Read MoreAs a dark-hulled ship rolled into the harbour of Tasur’ke, Achaeans were greeted by the familiar, but long-absent face of Haidar the Lion. The Kashari rebel immediately sought the location of Kavaya, his former associate and fellow escapee from the peculiar continent’s harsh and unforgiving ways. There, in the camp amid the hills, Haidar offered…
Read MoreAs of the serenade a few moments ago, today is officially Achaea’s 23rd birthday! For the remainder of the month, everyone may type HAPPYBIRTHDAYACHAEA once only to get a one-off reward of 23 bound credits and a 24 hour bonus to experience and critical hit chance. This will stack with double XP for the Great…
Read MoreAs our birthday month arrives we have a change in promotion and a big schedule of events prepped for September! For those in need of credits or artefacts, we have a 40% bonus credit sale running for the duration of September (this is 50% if you have an Iron Elite membership!) For those of you…
Read MoreIdeas are no longer hidden from players once they reach ten supporting votes. Instead, ideas will now remain on the list and open for voting to get a better sense of actual support, and to prevent a constant stream of duplicate ideas. Ship logs for added/removed permissions will describe the actual permission being removed. Souls…
Read MoreWhat an eventful week for roleplay (and combat) this has been! In case you have missed it, here is a brief rundown of some notable happenings. Eleusis and the Aalen Tsol’aa began the week by cooperating for a mysterious ritual that many are still wondering about. In Ashtan, progress was finally made on a shadowy…
Read MoreSHIP TRADE DEAL SHOW will now show which player accepted the trade deal for personal trades. In most instances, stencils may now be manipulated with their specific type (e.g. HAMMERSTENCIL or SHIELDSTENCIL), rather than having to use their specific IDs. As with other similar commands, GET FROM and PUT IN now accept an optional HERE…
Read MoreKing Tu’eras, As you commanded, here are the details regarding my studies abroad. I apologise for my liberal interpretation of your command, but I thought it best to explore every avenue available to me. I began my journey in the Village of Eleusis, where Exivus led a ritual hoping to gain the attention of the…
Read MoreWe just implemented a slew of various bug fixes and quality of life changes! Read on for the details: CURING PRIORITY now accepts multiple afflictions and priorities, to allow for mass editing of priorities with one command. CURING PRIORITY DEFENCE now accepts multiple defences and priorities, to allow for mass editing of priorities with one…
Read MoreWe are happy to announce that in order to better reach out and interact with our community, we are making use of our social media platforms in a greater capacity from now on! Follow us over on Twitter (@AchaeaIRE) or on Facebook ( and be part of the conversation. To kick things off, we will…
Read MoreHere are some bug fixes! Wonders talisman pieces will now redeem for 10cr. Sword and Board attacks against mobs will scale speed and damage properly based on attack type. You can no longer finish a consecration as a soul. Algiz runes will no longer offer any benefit whatsoever in combat against other players for non-Runewardens.…
Read MoreThe Occultist class has undergone significant revisions. I am usually pretty hesitant to fundamentally change how a class plays, as I appreciate that this can inconvenience both established and learning players significantly. However, in this case the last major update to Occultist fixed a lot of problems while introducing several more. Whether it was being…
Read MoreFrom nowhere, an unexpected earthquake wracked Delos and the surrounding lands, causing the structural failures of Hashan’s planetarium to be made very evident. As the vaunted observatory teetered under its own weight and threatened collapse, Lord Twilight manifested in defence of His city, securing the wavering tower in a woven shield of darkfire before it…
Read MoreAt the coming Serenade (in about six hours), we will be going live with twenty auctions! Ten of these will be for credits, and ten for gold! This is just a heads up with a list of available prizes for you to all consider: CREDIT AUCTIONS Custom Elemental Lord or Dragon description Custom Blademaster Sword…
Read MoreLord Adryn, As you requested, here is the full report over the incidents of the last few years. On the 14th of Ero, in the year 831 AF, the neighbouring city of Targossas declared war on the western city of Mhaldor. Casus belli was cited as a Divine curse on the individuals Tianondria al Qawi…
Read MoreWe recently ran a lottery to find new owners of three shopfronts in Delos! The winners are Profit, Blive, and Mycen! Congratulations to our new Delosian shopkeepers, we wish them heavy foot traffic, and secure sigils!
Read MoreOver the last week, millions of people have protested the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others. Citizens of the United States and other countries are demanding justice and equity. We’re seeing a movement for change that hasn’t been seen in our lifetimes, and it’s long overdue. First, we stand with the Black…
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