Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.

19.13.1 Customisation Requests


All the commands you will need to create, edit, and submit your request are 
detailed below. Be sure you have read HELP CUSTOMISATIONS.

Please note that, while most requests can be handled via this means, there are 
some types of customisations that cannot be requested or completed in-game. In 
these cases, please send an email to with your 
request. Some examples of these types of customisations are:
  * gift customisations and,
  * ship equipment customisations

If you wish to customise your silver whistle mail delivery or the letters generated by a stationary kit, please see HELP MAIL CUSTOMISATION

If you wish to customise the perfumes in your perfume cabinet, please see HELP PERFUME CUSTOMISATION (same for colognes in the cologne case.)

If you wish to customise your battlerage attacks, please see HELP BATTLERAGE CUSTOMISATION

If you wish to customise your class loyals or Viridian form, please see HELP CLASS CUSTOMISATION

If you wish to customise the flowers in your stone flowerpot, please see HELP FLOWERPOT CUSTOMISATION

If you wish to add reactions to an item, please see HELP ITEM REACTIONS


Once you have acquired an item to customise, the overall process to customising
your item is thus:

 1. Create your request. CUSTOMISATION NEW FOR <#>. This will generate a 
    customisation request, which you can modify using the commands below. 

 2. Submit your request. CUSTOMISATION SUBMIT <#>. This will send it off to the
    customisations team, who will look over your request and approve it or 
    return it to you with notes. You will receive a message either way.

 3. Revise your request if necessary, and submit it again for review. If you
    are requesting a description customisation, we may make minor changes if 
    needed to bring the customisation in line with our writing standards. Any 
    major changes, however, will be sent back to you for rewriting.

 4. Complete your request with CUSTOMISATION COMPLETE <#>. 
    Check your request one more time to be sure it is acceptable. You will 
    need your credits bound on your character, or enough Customisation credits
    to complete the request, or a combination of the two.

Customisation credits will always be used first to complete a customisation.

CUSTOMISATION NEW FOR <#>                Generate a customisation request. Use
                                         only the number of the item (12345,
                                         not vial12345). The item must be in
                                         your inventory.
CUSTOMISATION LIST                       Lists all your unsubmitted, submitted,
                                         approved, and completed
CUSTOMISATION SHOW <#>                   Displays details of the request.
CUSTOMISATION ADD <#> NONDECAY           Add nondecay to your request. Do not 
                                         wait till the last minute for this 
                                         kind of customisation! If your item 
                                         has less than 5 months left before it
                                         decays, we do NOT guarantee we will
                                         complete your request in time.
CUSTOMISATION ADD <#> RESETTER           Add resetting to your request. This
                                         will automatically add non-decay if 
                                         the item is currently decaying.

CUSTOMISATION ADD <#> RETAINMARK         Retains the original loyalty of the
CUSTOMISATION REMOVE <#> NONDECAY        Remove nondecay from your request. You

                                         cannot do this if resetting is still
CUSTOMISATION REMOVE <#> RESETTER        Remove resetting from your request.

CUSTOMISATION SET <#> APPEARANCE <text>  What you see when you INV.

CUSTOMISATION SET <#> DROPPED <text>     What you see when you GLANCE.

CUSTOMISATION SET <#> EXAMINED <text>    What you see when you PROBE <item>.

CUSTOMISATION SET <#> ENTER <text>       Describe what you see when it enters.
                                         Only for creature customisations.

CUSTOMISATION SET <#> LEAVE <text>       Describe what you see when it leaves.
                                         Only for creature customisations.

CUSTOMISATION SET <#> DEATH <text>       Describe what you see when it is dead.
                                         Only for creature customisations.

CUSTOMISATION SUBMIT <#>                 Submit your customisation for admin
                                         review. You will get a message when it
                                         has been approved or, alternately, if
                                         there are any changes you need to

CUSTOMISATION UNSUBMIT <#>               You can do this if you want to make
                                         some additional changes, or change 
                                         your mind about the customisation, or 
                                         any other reason. It will not delete 
                                         the request.

CUSTOMISATION COMPLETE <#>               After your customisation has been 
                                         approved by an admin, this will finish
                                         your request. You will need to have 
                                         bound the required credits to your 
                                         character in order for this command to
                                         succeed. When it does, the bound 
                                         credits will be removed and your item 
                                         will be changed. Customisation credits
                                         will decreases the cost of a

CUSTOMISATION SCRAP <#>                  Delete your request. This can be done
                                         at any stage.

CUSTOMISATION CREDITS SHOW               See how many customisation credits
                                         you have to use.

                                         Transfer your customisation credits to
                                         someone else.

Note: Any item which has a valid customisation request submitted will not decay
while the request is pending. Its months remaining *will* count down, but it
will not decay if it reaches zero months left. Take advantage of this feature
to ensure your item continues to exist while you wait for your submission to be