December in Achaea

December is here!
Later in the month the realm will become entirely festive, Makesh will put his Logosmas wares on sale, Ironbeard will make his rounds, and Merrywick will open once again! (UPCOMING has the date, and also the dates for gold and platinum stocking reminders!)
For the promotionally inclined stockings have returned to featuring a new talisman set, the Scholars talisman set (see below or HELP SCHOLARS TALISMANS)!
There is no bonus for Iron Elite owners with stocking purchases, but credits are also on sale at offering a 30% bonus on the purchase, that’s 40% if you have Iron Elite!
Caches from stockings can also be opened for Logosmas set talismans if desired.
See HELP STOCKINGS for all stocking-related commands and to see a complete list of prizes and minimum stocking values!
Every 150 stockings opened will trigger a bonus stocking in the next 50 to be opened, awarding massively increased prizes!
ADDITIONALLY! For every 5 stockings of each type you purchase, you’ll receive either a gold or platinum stocking of that tier! So if you purchase 5 fancy stockings, you’ll get a gold (or platinum) fancy stocking. Gold and platinum stockings are special and fill up only on Christmas and New Year’s Day, respectively!
All previously hung stockings have been returned to their original owner’s inventories, and can be hung fresh for yourselves or new recipients!
ALSO! On January 10th we will also be drawing a raffle! Tickets for this will be gained from opening stockings, and each day you earn your maximum of 2000 renown you will earn a ticket too!
First winner will take home a pair gloves of arrowcatching (or 2000 bound credits if they don’t want them)!
Second winner will take home a gold inkbrush!
Third winner will take home a red inkbrush!
Any tickets held by non winners after the raffle is drawn will be converted to 2 bound credits each. (If you win prize 1, 2, or 3, all of your tickets are consumed and do not convert.)
AND FINALLY! The Scholars Talisman Set:
A portly capybara – TALISMAN INFO CAPYBARA
- This handsome gentleman is a minipet with full scrapper capability and ambient reactions.
- Drop this in a room and for the next sixty minutes all learning will be enhanced as if everyone learning in said room had consumed myrrh. Note: does not stack with myrrh.
- While holding this you may INVESTIGATE to see the damage on a target’s limb.
A Logosmas war goat – TALISMAN INFO WARGOAT
- This is a unique war goat with a Collar of Lupus and badge of returning included.
A curious quiz box – TALISMAN INFO QUIZBOX
- Answer 4 questions to get a reward! You have a chance at a small number of lessons, a small amount of xp, or a short lived experience bonus.
- TOUCH to show the current question
- TURN to attempt to answer the question
- The questions/counter resets at Serenade.
A vigilant model guard – TALISMAN INFO MODELGUARD
- Valued at 500 credits
- ACTIVATE this model guard and he will tell you whenever someone enters or leaves your city. Lasts thirty minutes and has an hour cooldown.
An intricately plotted chart – TALISMAN INFO GUARDCHART
- Valued at 750 credits
- Study this chart and for a relatively significant balance you will be able to determine whether you are within CALL FOR HELP range of any nearby city guards.
- Naturally, only works in cities.
A stark librarian’s desk – TALISMAN INFO LIBRARIANDESK
- Valued at 1300 credits
- Drop this desk in a room and the next time someone tries to SAY something or CALL FOR HELP you will shush them, conveying a silence effect upon that person.
- This lasts around twenty seconds and after you shush your first person your desk will go on cooldown for an hour after thirty seconds.
- Note that if no one speaks or calls for help for two minutes after your initial drop of the desk, it goes on cooldown regardless.
- Valued at 1600 credits
- CLUTCH this pearl of wisdom and for the next five minutes most stunning effects and all modifiable willpower costs will be reduced by approximately fifteen percent.
- Note that some stuns and willpower costs are strictly unmodified, and these will not be included.