August in Achaea!

It’s time to say hello again to the Wheel of Fortune which has returned to the Ace of Spades Casino in New Thera. You can purchase prismatic tokens from the website at and there is also a token available from the renown shop.
Simply WALK TO WHEEL if you can’t find it!
You can find the full list of what is available from the wheel under HELP WHEEL OF FORTUNE.
Talisman caches this month open for Eldergods, Moderngods, and Memory talismans.
We’re looking forward to the last foray bounty, the design contest entries, and the Twins tournament still to come this week! Plus the CTF for the Effigy of Victory on Sunday!
We’re going to be spending August focussing on the Championship games, getting information and fixes setup ready for September’s month of birthday and Championship madness!
For those currently competing in the games for a chance at an auction item, the list to choose from is:
Everything on the current AUCTION LIST
Phylactery of Sixth Sense
- Mindnet
Cloak of Many Feathers - Tracking cloak
Any colour inkbrush - Replaces ink for that colour when tattooing. (Winner will choose which colour inkbrush.)
Staff of Garash - This staff will allow you to raise stonewalls across all exits of a room once every 15 minutes. It also serves as a magi staff and a level 3 Shikudo staff. It does NOT work as a Druidic quarterstaff.
Pyramidian boots - Wearing these legendary boots will allow you to BOUND in any direction, just like a practitioner of Shindo.
Breathstealer ring - This ring holds the power to bring down a room-wide silence effect for 20 seconds. This is instant and not subject to being dampened or dispelled.
- It does require balance and equilibrium to use, will consume balance, and will incur a five minute cooldown before it can be called on again.
Campfire kit - Build and stoke a campfire with this handy kit. While lit, the campfire will increase the regeneration of willpower and endurance of all those in the room.
Gavel of Etheric Revelation - POUND GROUND to reveal phased serpents!
Good luck to our competitors!