Auctions are live!

Running for 10 days,(keep an eye on AUCTIONS!) the following items are available to be bid upon.
Please read HELP AUCTIONS in full for instructions on how to bid!
Remember, there is no day 0, at the end of day 1 the auctions close!
For Credits
- Dual Elemental Citizenship:
The winner of this auction will be able to claim a second Elemental Lord type without needing to complete the various quests. This second type can be changed every 24 hours. - Chenubian Wings:
These wings grant the owner access to a customised skies room with exits of their choice. Outer Islands are not allowed. - Eurilla’s Paw:
Eurilla’s paw grants one of five effects when you manipulate one of its fingers. These can include:
a boon of fire, creating periodic firewalls around you.
a boon of healing, passively healing all in room.
a boon of mirrors, passively granting reflections to random players in the room.
a boon of knives, creating passive room-wide bleeding,
a curse, periodically stunning or blacking out the user.
These effects last fifteen minutes with a one hour cooldown between uses. - Resilient Translucent Mask:
A non-decaying version of the translucent mask. This has five charges which regenerate every 24 hours. - Custom Deathsight:
Work with the design team to create your own custom deathsight. This can trigger on your kills OR your deaths! - Ankh of Vitality:
The Ankh of Vitality grants access to the VITALITY defence regardless of class. - Innate Morphing Armour:
This armour set is the equivalent of three-slotted armour with innate morphing capabilities that do not require use of one of the three slots.
8/9/10. Any Completed Talisman:
Obtain any completed talisman of your choice from any promotional set. This does not include the forays set.
- Black Inkbrush:
This rare inkbrush removes the need for the holder to possess black ink when sketching runes or inking tattoos. - Gold Inkbrush:
This rare inkbrush removes the need for the holder to possess gold ink when sketching runes or inking tattoos. - Orb of Sllshya’s Wrath:
THROW ORB to summon a magical snowstorm in the room. Grants all of the same benefits as the Groves ability SNOWSTORM. - Gloves of Arrowcatching:
These gloves grant arrowcatching! If you are Shaman, Jester, or Bard, the proc chance for catching arrows is increased! - Algiz on a Stick:
A simple FLOURISH of this wand will allow you to sketch an algiz rune on yourself no matter what class you are in and without an ink cost! The rune lasts one hour before fading.
For Gold
16/17/18. Legend Deck Card:
Choose any Legend Deck Card from HELP LEGENDDECK!
19/20/21. Level 1 Talisman Piece:
Choose any level 1 talisman piece from any of the promotional sets.
22/23/24. 5 Mayan Crowns
Receive 5 Mayan crowns to spend in the Shop or House of Wonders!
- A giant ghost crab (Bazaar)
This giant ghost crab is a magnificent mount returning from an ancient Itinerant Bazaar and comes with a collar of Lupus, ensuring it will reset to you!
Please read HELP AUCTIONS in full for all details on how to bid!