November in Achaea!

It’s time to say goodbye to another fun-filled Mayaween, and while Logosmas twinkles on the not-so-distant horizon, let’s welcome in November!
As always, we have some fun things in store for this month that we’re not going to spoil just yet, so for now, the promotion has changed!
First of all, over at you’ll find the artefact cart, talisman packages (Wonders, Blackwave, Renegades, Eldergods, and Moderngods) and lesson packages all on sale.
For those of you unfamiliar (or who just want a refresher), the Artefact Cart lets you add your artefacts to your shopping cart on the website and purchase them at a discounted rate directly (30% discount by default, 40% if the purchaser has an Iron Elite membership).
Do note that you do need to be logged in on the website to buy artefacts in this way, so to be sure that your elite bonus always applies if applicable!
On top of the standard 30/40% discount offered by the artefact cart, we’re also further discounting select artefact categories throughout the month. (These are listed on UPCOMING.)
1st through 10th – All class artefacts.
11th through 20th – Stat and regen artefacts, and all things artefact armour.
21st through 30th – All offensive and defensive category artefacts.
If you purchase caches, every 10 talismans you buy of a talisman set earns you a bonus rare piece from that set.
So if you buy 10 Renegades talisman caches, you’ll get a bonus, rare Renegades talisman piece! But, if you buy 3 Renegades caches and 7 Eldergods caches, you won’t earn a bonus piece, because the 10 spread across sets.
Secondly, we’ve added a new talisman shop to Delos, and within you will find most of the Invasion, Planes, and Races talismans available for outright purchase and partial completion! See their respective helpfiles for all of those details!