Plunder the Graves!

The Kartha have departed, leaving behind Lord Scarlatti in their wake! We are looking forward to an artistic revival as He settles in over the coming months!
As we gear up for Mayaween and all of its spooks and scares, keys for caskets are on sale now at!
Visit the Tomacula graveyard and begin plundering the caskets of the restless dead!
When you have a complete key you can visit the Tomacula graveyard, where they will have an array of 64 caskets waiting to be unlocked (in an 8×8 grid). The prize list that is hidden behind the locked lids is specific, you can see the full list below and at HELP CASKETS. Before you choose which casket to open you can even see what has been won from already opened caskets!
When there are no prizes left, when the special prize has been claimed, or on the first of the month, the restless dead will reset the casket contents to full once more! There is a game announce when this happens!
CASKETS OPEN NUMBER <#> – open a specific unopened casket
CASKETS OPEN – open an unopened casket by coordinates
CASKETS OPENED – list all opened caskets
CASKETS CLOSED – list caskets still to be opened
CASKETS / – view a specific casket
See HELP CASKETS for all of the details on prizes and commands! Keys can be purchased off of the website (or as pieces if you prefer), and one can be purchased in the renown shop per player for this month.