Changelog: 08/01/2021 – 08/11/2021

- Chopping hookshot tethers will now remove them properly.
- It is no longer possible to throw anything relating to artistry.
- Smudging Jera runes will no longer have a delayed impact on player health.
- It is no longer possible to educate dead mice.
- Nausea will no longer trigger deliverance.
- Icosse’s thrall should no longer confuse Paladin with Serpent.
- Dragon thrall in the Mirrortower should not be double mangling anymore.
- Loss of reputation on contract fail/timeout have been adjusted down somewhat.
- Special firecrackers will no longer display ASCII art for screenreader users.
- Ilsefi has no longer mysteriously acquired the custom shout for one of the Tsol’teth leaders.
- Experience for completing any non-newbie-area quest has been increased across the board by approximately 50%.
- Discord integration bot is now suitably flavourful.
- Identified and fixed a long-standing bug that increased dragon and elemental lord PvE damage significantly compared to other classes/races, as well as a small number of dragon abilities used against other players.
- The aforementioned zombies will also now chase and wander around much more slowly.
- Acidic ghouls now attack more slowly and should no longer error under certain circumstances.
- Undead rats will no longer deliver four afflictions simultaneously.
- Odious oozes will trigger their counterattack poison cloud far less often.
- The volume of afflictions delivered by odious oozes ahs been reduced.
- The health and damage of undead rats have been reduced by approximately 20%.
- The Tsol’dasi Battlelord will no longer parry and counter attackers when he is below 1/3 of his health. This should make the ‘damage race’ aspect more viable for groups without having to stop attacking him as the fight gets to its most dangerous point.
- The stacking timer between successive spider summonings on the Tsol’dasi Battlelord encounter has been slightly increased.
- Slightly reduced the area-wide bleeding from Sidhe hounds and Tsol’dasi archers should groups avoid melee with the respective bosses.
- Reduced the frequency at which Lacharhad will invoke the area-wide attack move when there are no players in melee with her.
- Dolodach will hurl attackers across the desert significantly less often.
- The frequency at which Dolodach will use an attack that also heals him has been reduced significantly.
- Dolodach’s health has been increased by approximately 25% but his attacking speed has been reduced by 50%. This should preserve his intended status as a ‘tank’ type denizen.
- Vathirr will now heal himself far less frequently.
- Vathirr’s health has been increased by approximately 15%.
- The afflictions required to trigger Vathirr’s instant kill have been altered from prone, entangled, and off balance to also require multiple broken limbs. This should now be far less punishing to deal with.
- The Voyage of Sight can no longer be completed by multiple ships and will now require the eye to be turned in for completion.
- Undead rats can now be targetted using the ‘undead’ keyword.
- Suraya’s needle and thread will no longer prematurely reset while attempting to sew Kosey’s ‘soul’ back on.
- Phinnis should no longer retain aggression between foray attempts.
- The Gate of Harae should no longer require an entire forest for repairs.
- Tlaiad’thir Silwenil huin-s-gun-ri’boora. Na’an’mala lier-sha.
- Gargantuan gore-spattered zombies will no longer combo stun with double leg breaks and prone.
- It is no longer possible to use the Ashaxei legenddeck card to or from Longclaw Isle.
- A mage of Moghedu will no longer prompt adventurers to travel into the inaccessible depths of the Lupine Hunting Grounds.
- Vathirr should no longer afflict with stupidity quite so often.
- Vathirr’s base attacking speed has been reduced and should now attack at the former standard speed when enraged.
- Patrick de Vermiis should no longer be entranced in a lament that has broken off.
- Denizens on Tuar should now be more responsive when given items they don’t specifically want.
- Balam Agab has concluded negotiations with the Quisalis Mark and will no longer seek out Ivory Champions to take his contracts.
- Rotting monstrosities will now attack slightly more slowly.
- The damage output of gore-spattered zombies has been reduced by approximately 10%.
- Acidic ghouls should now spawn less commonly over the other undead in the Underworld.
- Odious oozes are no longer dealing unintended bonus damage.
- Gargantuan gore-spattered zombies will now attack slightly more slowly.
- Gobbets of flesh will now properly drop from relevant monsters in the Underworld to progress the appropriate quests.