Changelog: 07/06/2021 – 07/10/2021

- Bitterfork is now in the quest system.
- Dryad of the Gardens health reduced by approximately 40% in the Reckoning of Titania.
- Reinna, Houndmaster of Annwyn will now properly summon hounds when first engaged.
- The cavities referred to throughout the Caverns of Kkractle can now be interacted with as such, not only as ‘holes’ in the wall.
- The exorbitant experience and gold bonuses to Aran’kesh, Borgron, and Icosse carried over from a previous Great Hunt have now been reverted to normal parameters.
- Experience and gold gains for all Reckoning Forays increased to be more commensurate with their enhanced difficulty.
- Icosse will now leave behind a corpse in the main tower room where the thrall is fought. This allows it to be offered or utilised for the moppet talisman.
- Tsol’dasi Battlelord will no longer give cracked ribs, and will now strip a defence instead of repeatedly entangling everyone in the location.
- The minimum group size for the Darkenwood Barrow foray has been increased to 3.
- The Tsol’dasi battlelord is now less punishing the first time a target hits his parry, but will be far more punitive on the second hit prior to the instant kill on the third.
- Otryn has returned to Thraasi harbour and his voyage is once again available. The ship used for ferrying him around WILL need to be in the corresponding harbour in order to progress each stage, and crew will need to all be present at each destination point. Please report any issues immediately at risk of wrath!
- Clockwork harbour’s maximum ship capacity has been significantly increased.
- Defeating Vulkuz or any of the Reckoning memory bosses will now award an honours line to the person who scores the killing blow.
- Rovalamm now deals cold damage type instead of unblockable damage type.
- To account for the change in damage type, Rovalamm now attacks approximately 30% faster. This is doubled when at low health (and thus enraged).
- It is no longer possible to teleport into the location where Sycaerunax concludes the dragon ceremony via most methods.
- Changed drop rate math for hunting and questing talisman drop rates. Low and moderate tier pieces will be unaffected. High-end pieces will no longer take 1.416 quadrillion mob kills on average to generate a particular piece.
- Icosse’s thrall when in Psion mode no longer dual-classes as a Shaman. Oops.
- Wailing ghosts are now able to fly.
- Reinna, Lacharhad, and the Tsol’dasi Battlelord have learned how to use tentacle tattoos.
- Aigra’s final method of overhealing beyond max health should finally be resolved.
- Aigra will now emerge properly after diving even if her original target has fled to the skies or land.
- Weakening Fafnir will no longer cause him to remain above maximum health.
- It is no longer possible to cheese Aigra’s stomach mechanic via use of summoning or most forms of magical teleportation.
- Mysia’s harbour capacity has been expanded from 15 to 25 ships at any one time.
- The Tsol’dasi Battlelord will now more clearly indicate when his fixate ends, and should now leave a few seconds of free time between it ending and him selecting a new target.
- Genji is now integrated into the quest system (and has a new quest)!
- Sparrow’s Rest is now integrated into the quest system.
- The Ministers of the Air Plane (don’t call me Shirley) will no longer prompt people who have defected away from air to visit Siarde for a Prime Minister appointment.
- The timer of the Margam foray has been increased by 5 minutes.
- Greater Elementals now have appropriate damage resistances.
- TALISMAN TRADE PIECE will no longer fail when trading one piece for another.
- UseDash and Xterm256 will no longer be hidden for some players on the CONFIG display.
- Duplicate adventures for jack in the box kills and heartseed kills have been removed.
- Gloves of extraction and strength gauntlets should no longer conflict when being worn.
- Worldburn will no longer have a blank line instead of a deathsight for some orders.
- Icosse will no longer drop gold into her room, in addition to the gold rewarded upon a successful kill.
- LHG has been removed as a suggestion from AREAS.
- GLIDE should no longer conflict with other DASH commands while flying and using WALK TO.
- The (extremely) ongoing affair between a king and his century-long deceased lover has finally come to an end. His wife is still not happy.
- Fixed a scaling issue that caused some high end mobs to be worth far, far more experience than intended (up to 900% more experience than was expected). This will primarily affect a large number of unique, named denizens, as well as most creatures from the elemental planes, some creatures from the fissure of echoes, and a smattering of foray denizens.
- Venom vials will now refill from your rift when emptied via Memorium Transpose.
- Golgotha pacts will no longer randomly disappear.