Changelog: Mar. 22 – 28 2021

- It is no longer possible to pierce the veil from Longclaw Isle
- The bloodhound statues from the recent bazaar can no longer detect phased adventurers.
- The Voyage of Sight can no longer be obtained by crew who are still on its cooldown.
- The peaceful nationstate of Wayward Heights has been established, alongside the newly-composed HELP WAYWARD HEIGHTS.
- The funereal shroud talisman will now hide affected players from GMCP.
- Fixed a bug that allowed planting of talisman gravestones in skies.
- Restrictions on the gravestone talisman have changed. Instead of requiring a death on Sapience to function, regardless of your gravestone’s location, you will now resurrect at your gravestone so long as you died on the same plane and continent.
- You may now bypass gravestone talisman resurrection with EMBRACE DEATH CAVE.
- WIELD should no longer skip certain items in weapon holders.
- Runes sketched for free while in the arena will no longer persist outside of the arena.
- It is no longer possible to customise a housing servant without building permissions for the house.
- Housing servants will now be loyal to the proper organisation, for clan-owned houses. Incorrectly assigned loyalties have been fixed.
- Clan-owned housing names will now show on SURVEY.
- Fixed an issue with Weatherweaving Synchronise against denizens.
- It is no longer possible to synchronise a weatherweaving attack without the proper channels open.
- Passive curing and other methods of random curing should no longer cure the ablaze affliction for fire elemental lords.
- QWC and QW will now respect the chameleon defence.
- Afflictions delivered via asped weapons will only be hidden from GMCP and serverside curing the appropriate 33% of the time, rather than every affliction.