Championship World Race Results!
The Championship World Race is now over and the winners are as follows!
Atalkez wins 200 credits and 12 Championship points!
Crixos wins 175 credits and 10 Championship points!
Keorin wins 150 credits and 8 Championship points!
Lynair wins 125 credits and 6 Championship points!
Taryius wins 100 credits and 5 Championship points!
Killian wins 75 credits and 4 Championship points!
Lynara wins 50 credits and 3 Championship points!
Eryl wins 25 credits and 2 Championship points!
Shirszae wins 10 credits and 1 Championship points!
Kaden wins 10 credits and 0.5 Championship points!
This brings current Championship Games totals to:
Atalkez: 20 points
Keorin: 20 points
Taryius: 17 points
Crixos: 16 points
Eryl: 7 points
Lynair: 6 points
Aroan: 5 points
Zenui: 5 points
Killian: 4 points
Lynara: 3 points
Fen: 2 points
Imyrr: 1 point
Kaden: 1 point
Shirszae: 1 point
Next up are the Championship XP Event Windows! See UPCOMING and Announce #5303 for details!