Changelog: 08/14/2020 – 08/18/2020

- SHIP TRADE DEAL SHOW will now show which player accepted the trade deal for personal trades.
- In most instances, stencils may now be manipulated with their specific type (e.g. HAMMERSTENCIL or SHIELDSTENCIL), rather than having to use their specific IDs.
- As with other similar commands, GET FROM and PUT IN now accept an optional HERE argument, to specify an item in your room, rather than your inventory.
- LOOK STARS will no longer have ASCII art for VI players.
- ARTEFACT VALUE will no longer display values for talismans that are ineligible for tradein.
- AIM will now include a failure message if the player is out of their selected colour of arrow.
- CITY GUARD LIST now takes an optional argument for guard type, and will only list guards of the type specified.
- Editing a project now requires very close to full health, rather than full health.
- WHISTLE MOUNT will now accept a mount’s name instead of its ID.
- DOLLLIST and PUPPETLIST will no longer display the full doll name, to prevent cutting off the names of your victims.
- BUY FROM CART will now work as an alternative to CART PURCHASE, for shop carts.
- Item shortnames have been added for easier item handling. See HELP SHORTNAMES for details!
- Casov will now return non-trophy items that are given to him.
- It is now possible to CITY BOUNTY CLAIM by name, as well as by bounty ID.
- Shipfitters with access to the FLAIR skill can now use the MATERIALS command.
- It is now possible to use two forwardslashes to escape multiline commands in aliases.
- A small subset of battle figurines will no longer reset from inside a miniature display arena.