... 19.9 System The hardware and software that Achaea uses. 19.10 ARTEFACTS Special magic items which may be p...
» 19_index
... 525 Credits - A throwable artefact javelin with the STATS: 255/146/83 Babel's Barb: ...
» offensiveartefacts
» artefactsoverview
...ased. For example, we offer three levels of artefact broadswords, with each level having better STATS than the previous. You may upgrade such artefac...
» artefacttradeins
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» artefactsdefensive
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Sylvan Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Druid Artefacts
...(See also HELP STATUS) Adventurers in Achaea have four STATS (or statistics): Str - Strength - relates to the physical damage you can deal out. ...
» stats
» artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Priest Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Blademaster Artefacts
.... - The effects that the chocolates can provide range from experience boosts, increased STATS, critical hit bonuses, faster movement, increase...
» Promotional Items
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Monk Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» artefactselemental
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Infernal Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Paladin Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Runewarden Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» artefactsstatsandregen
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» artefactstrade
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» artefactsmisc
...---------- Credits are valuable things, something like gOLD, that can be used for - buying ARTEFACTS (see HELP ARTEFACTS). - trading with others (see...
» credits
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Depthswalker Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Shaman Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Sentinel Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Bard Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Psion Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Apostate Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Occultist Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Magi Artefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Jester Artefacts
...(see also HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits....
» shipartefacts
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» shopofwonders
...ARTEFACTS exist for most of Achaea's classes, and we have broken these down into separate, distinct helps for your convenience! For all classes excep...
» Class Artefacts
...(See also HELP ARTEFACTS and numerous other topics under HELP 19) Transfers --------- ARTEFACTS are not transferable. Once you purchase an artefact, ...
» artefacttransfer
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» artefact armour
» customisation
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» Alchemist Artefacts
...The races of Achaea, with the exception of dragons, all offer four different racial specialisations at level 10 that alter the basic statistics below...
» racialstats
... with health(hp), attack(atk), and defence(def) STATS. Scrapper STATS and Basics ===================...
» scrappers
...(see also: HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS) ARTEFACTS are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits...
» houseofwonders
...vailable, the longer this status will last. - Avatars are not open PK. - Avatars have high base STATS. - They may wear things, including ARTEFACTS. - ...
» Crusades
...w race, a new life. 4.12.3 Race Specialisation Archetype? Stereotype? You decide. 4.12.4 Race STATS A quick reference of racial STATS. 4.13...
» 4_index
...quisites ------------- 1. Your character must have at least 1000cr in lessons, credits, and ARTEFACTS. 2. Your character must be registered to a vali...
» retirement
...inning. OK, we can work with that. We will let you count the trade-in value of your current ARTEFACTS as 'escrow credits' which you can also use to bi...
» auctions
... in each. - Mayan crowns. - Bloodstained shards. - Artefact discount vouchers. - A range of ARTEFACTS valued from 50 credits all the way up to the 200...
» globes
...s, and the like, don't contact sales - contact the relevant email addresses, which may be: ARTEFACTS@achaea.com, customisations@achaea.com, or pets@a...
» issues
...mpt is simply a dash. If you'd like your prompt to display more information, type CONFIG PROMPT STATS (for other options, see below). Your prompt will...
» prompt
...There is always a juggle when it comes to wearing many ARTEFACTS at once, especially as there's only so many body parts to wear them! The solution to ...
» artefactpowers
...is boon shifts periodically (once per day) - This will not function alongside level 3 stat ARTEFACTS but will stack with ARTEFACTS up to the equivale...
» planes talismans
...'ll handle it in a very safe way. You won't have to transfer anything. When you are buying ARTEFACTS or customisations, don't transfer anything! We'l...
» scams
... There is also a small chance of getting a veil or one of a selection of level 3 statistic ARTEFACTS in place of the standard prizes in the extravaga...
» logosmasstockings
...vel (this caps out around level 80), - by various magical means, and - by acquiring certain ARTEFACTS, - by completing certain quests Higher maximum ...
» health
...(See also: HELP CUSTOMISATION GUIDELINES) Like ARTEFACTS, customisations may be purchased for other adventurers as a GIFT. These include the gamut of...
» giftcustomisations
...n applying a specialisation to this, our human adventurer has the potential to alter his or her STATS to any of the following: Specialisation St...
» specialisation
...anybody, don't discuss it at all. For example, a recent riddle asked you to count how many ARTEFACTS honoured the original home valley of humanity. F...
» riddle
...Portrait lockets are formed from bloodstained shards of enamel. They are unique ARTEFACTS which can be upgraded with additional shards to feature a va...
» Portrait Locket
...gained within the match itself. - Shadowmancy shadows not gained within the match itself. - ARTEFACTS that do not belong to you. - Pariah rituals. - ...
» twins tournament
...ning to power through rank and positions in houses or cities. - Acquiring rare and powerful ARTEFACTS (HELP ARTEFACTS). - Gaining ranks in - combat ...
» experience
...o Bound Credits. Credits, Bound - A form of in-game currency that may be used to purchase ARTEFACTS, convert into lessons in order to raise skill...
» glossary
...to use them in such a way, please consider that a bug and report it using BUG. As with all ARTEFACTS, the birds hatched from the eggs will reset to t...
» discontinuedshopofwonders
...ct pet, though some pets may be mountable. Even if you purchase a collar of Lupus (see HELP ARTEFACTS MISC), the mount is not an artefact pet. Most mo...
» pets
...Special ARTEFACTS are purchased with something called Mayan Crowns. These were introduced in 476 AF as part of a customer appreciation month. These Ma...
» mayancrowns
...HELP SHOW. SCORE/STAT : Gives you the most basic information about your character. STATUS STATS : Shows some information about your kills and...
» basecommands
... to see a QW list filtered to only show your friends in the realms. (This does not bypass ARTEFACTS/abilities that are meant to conceal persons fr...
» friends
...(See HELP CREDITS, HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP TATTOOS, HELP TATTOO BODY PARTS) Artefact Tattoos, also known as Permanent Tattoos are available to the discr...
» artefacttattoos
.... (1h) Dirk : A long dagger used to stab with. Fairly fast. (1h) Flail : Similar STATS to a longsword. (blunt damage) (1h) Mace ...
» weapons
...a Sentinel's woodland creature, or one of many entities found serving Occultists). See HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP MOUNTS, or the relevant class help files f...
» minipets
...strength, and other useful info. SKILLS - your skills and skill rank. STAT [STATS] - hunger, rest, warcry/motto, and oth...
» show
...bookie, herald, jeweller, or tailor, - private homes, - books and libraries, - furniture, - ARTEFACTS of power, - and the list goes on! As a new adv...
» gold
...(See also HELP RACES, HELP RACESTATS, HELP, and HELP ARTEFACTS DEFENSIVE) If you find yourself unhappy with your race, change i...
» reincarnation
... your character (Name, level, race, class) SCORE VITALS - Details about your current health and STATS. SCORE RESOURCES - Details about gOLD and credit...
» score
» Customisation Guidelines
...amble to uncover these buried troves, which contain prizes from curatives and gOLD to major ARTEFACTS! The treasure hunt continues until the last bag ...
» treasurehunt
...ill not have the specialised skill required to enter them in any event (see HELP SEWERS). Rat STATS --------- There are five types of city rats. Ran...
» rat
...h - can your mountain of gOLD rival Prospero's? Possessions - owning land, a home, and ARTEFACTS of unsurpassed power. Licenses - Tailoring, J...
» goals
...pending on the ability, and taking into account some racial variations and certain powerful ARTEFACTS. Some very powerful abilities take longer. In o...
» equilibrium
... Assault: assault troops are much faster at securing a location. They also have fairly balanced STATS, though they lean towards the offensive. Sabote...
» TerritoryControl
...t: either a Grimoire of Adaptation or a gilded page (see HELP ARTEFACTS DEFENSIVE). (See HELP STATS, HELP RACESTATS)...
» traits
...----- We have received hundreds of submissions for new classes, houses, cities, skills, and ARTEFACTS. Some proposals were written up in great detail....
» housedesign
...ATIVE WITH ANY OTHER FAVOURS) TRUE(DIS)FAVOUR - Adds (or deducts) one point to (or from) all STATS. ...
» divinefavour
...e Iron Lottery is a special event typically run with larger prizes consisting of credits or ARTEFACTS. To participate in the Iron Lottery you must col...
» ironlottery
...pear and he'll lose out. Now he just doesn't take any suspicious vials, which would include ARTEFACTS, resetting, or non-decaying vials. (See also: ...
» sellingvials