Clad in shimmering armour and armed with weapons inscribed with arcane runes, the Runewardens are the epitome of discipline and honour in combat. Protection and preservation is their motto, and they are selfless in whatever cause they represent.

Clad in shimmering armour and armed with weapons inscribed with arcane runes, the Runewardens are the epitome of discipline and honour in combat. Protection and preservation is their motto, and they are selfless in whatever cause they represent. Fittingly, they possess the knowledge of crafting defensive totems. Their studies of the magic inherent in representational forms also has given them the knowledge to sketch runes not only on totems and weapons but upon themselves, others, and on the ground, each rune possessing a different power.
Strengthened with runes and usually dripping with coated venoms, the flashing blades or brutally bludgeoning weapons of a Runewarden are a magnificent sight in full combat. Discipline and honour are the watchwords of a Runewarden, and the movement of their formations on the battlefield can be a dazzling sight indeed.
The skill of Runelore revolves around two aspects: Runes and Totems. By sketching various runes on the ground, on yourself, on other people, or on weapons or armour, a variety of beneficial or harmful effects may be achieved.
While Runes are a nice supplement to other skills, the true power of Runelore is only unleashed in the Totem. By sketching up to six runes on a Totem, and then either Implanting it, or Standing it, a Runewarden is able to create a weapon of destruction that can wreak havoc with anyone the Totem is tuned to affect.
Abilities in Runelore
Smudge | Ability to destroy runes. |
Sketch | Sketch runes with expert precision. |
Kena | A rune to inspire fear. |
Uruz | Heal your allies with earth magic. |
Fehu | Causes sleeping urges. |
Pithakhan | Attack the mental reserves of your enemies. |
Jera | A rune to increase the vitality of the bearer. |
Inguz | A rune with the ability to paralyse. |
Wunjo | Upon encountering this, an enemy's sight will be returned. |
Lagul | Add an element of bleeding to your strategem. |
Sowulu | Damages the health of enemies. |
Algiz | A rune of protection from damage. |
Isaz | A rune to call shockwaves to take your enemies off balance. |
Totems | The symbol of the master of Runelore. |
Dagaz | This rune will heal afflictions from you at random. |
Gebu | This rune will increase the blunt protection of armour. |
Gebo | A rune to increase the cutting protection of armour. |
Gular | Drawing on the power of the earth, raise a stone wall. |
Raido | Summon a spiritual steed to bear you home. |
Thurisaz | Call forth a spout of molten lava from the earth. |
Lagua | Further punish your foe. |
Hugalaz | Call down a hailstorm around you. |
Truesketch | Sketch more than one rune on the ground. |
Nauthiz | Suck the nourishment from your foes. |
Mannaz | Return hearing to a victim. |
Othala | Besiege your enemies with multiple spouts of molten lava. |
Sleizak | Afflict a foe with the horrible voyria poison. |
Tiwaz | This rune will remove the defenses of your enemies. |
Berkana | Provides health regeneration to the bearer. |
Nairat | A rune to beguile and transfix. |
Eihwaz | A powerful vibration-dampening rune. |
Runebinding | Bind your runes to your body. |
Laguz | Increased damage to the limbs of your foe. |
Runicarmour | Empower armour with the strength of the earth. |
Runeblades | Runewardens may empower a weapon as a legendary runeblade. |
Loshre | Cause an opponent to become afflicted with anorexia. |
Implant | Create a bond between your totem and the earth. |
Empower | Enable smudge reporting. |
Designate | Arrange clear title and ownership. |
Masters of melee weapons, knights with the weaponmastery skill are a force to be reckoned with. Weaponmasters can select a specialisation based on the weapons they wish to use:
Dual cutting: Proficient in the use of two cutting weapons, knights with this specialisation use scimitars or battle axes to decimate their foes with damage and venoms.
Dual blunt: Master of destruction, these specialists obliterate an opponents limbs with flails and morningstars.
Two-handed: Wielding the largest weapons available, these warriors conquer their enemies with bastard swords and warhammers.
Sword and Shield: Using their shields for both offence and defence, masters of the sword and shield specialisation are a foe to fear. They are also armed with longswords and broadswords.
General Abilities in Weaponmastery
Swordplay | Increased mastery of the shortsword. |
Specialise | Gain proficiency in one of the schools of weaponry. |
Envenom | Coat a weapon in venoms. |
Arc | Swing your blade in a controlled arc. |
Two-Handed Specialisation
Continuation | Shrug off afflictions like the trivialities they are. |
Slaughter | Dispense with your opposition. |
Overhand | Split their skulls with a mighty blow. |
Carve | Carve through your victim's defences. |
Splinter | Splinter the defences protecting your opponent. |
Perceive | Perceive the state of your opponent. |
Underhand | Deliver a devastating rising stroke. |
Upset | Bring them down in a tangle of limbs. |
Hew | Deliver precision strikes against your opponent's limbs. |
Pulverise | Pulp your opponent's limbs with crushing blows. |
Distract | Distract them with a deafening shout. |
Focus | Alter your technique. |
Deflect | Redirect incoming projectiles. |
Cleave | Rend your opponent's body in two. |
Skullcrush | Crush their skulls. |
Recover | A true knight will die on his feet. |
Devastate | Destroy their limbs utterly. |
Brain | Put him out of his misery. |
Impale | Sink your blade into an opponent. |
Disembowel | Tear the entrails from a target. |
Sword And Shield Specialisation
Rend | Rend the flesh of your foes. |
Raze | Remove the defences that would keep your weapons from your foe. |
Smash | Deliver a crushing blow with your shield. |
Combination | Link your blade and shield attacks into devastating combinations. |
Drive | Deny them of breath with a precise strike to the throat. |
Slice | Speed is the mark of a true master. |
Impale | Pin them to the ground with your blade. |
Concuss | Rattle their brain with a mighty blow. |
Trip | Send them sprawling. |
Club | A brutal display of power. |
Cleave | Rend your opponent's body in two. |
Dedication | Your dedication to victory can overcome all barriers. |
Ferocity | Channel the ferocity of battle. |
Strike | Unleash your ferocity against your foe. |
Guardbreak | Exploit holes in their guard. |
Disembowel | Tear the entrails from a target. |
Dual Cutting Specialisation
Predict | Predict when your blows will damage their limbs. |
Raze | Attack the defences that would keep your weapons out. |
Duality | The ability to wield and use two weapons simultaneously. |
Lunge | A deep, piercing blow from an adjacent location. |
Impale | Sink your blade into an opponent. |
Razeslash | First penetrate his defences, then give him the sharp end. |
Undercut | Take them down to the ground. |
Cleave | Rend your opponent's body in two. |
Mastery | Through intense concentration, increase your blade mastery. |
Concuss | Rattle skulls with a brutal blow. |
Intimidate | Make them fear for their life. |
Disembowel | Tear the entrails from a target. |
Dual Blunt Specialisation
Momentum | Strike them with ever greater power. |
Whirl | The most basic of blunt attacks. |
Fracture | Fracture the defences that would protect your opponent. |
Doublewhirl | Strike twice as fast. |
Predict | Predict when your blows will damage their limbs. |
Skullcrush | Crush their skulls. |
Discipline | Your form is flawless. |
Expend | Expend your momentum for crippling effects. |
Assault | Unleash a terrible assault against a helpless opponent. |
Pulp | End their life in a single strike. |
Chivalry is a skill that may be thought of as having three distinct parts. The first part, Falconry, involves the raising, training, and use of falcons. The second part of Chivalry is archery. By gaining the abilities to assess wind direction and speed and use different kinds of bows (longbows, crossbows, darkbows) you may attack from afar, or shoot at a cowardly opponent who has fled to the skies. The third and final part of Chivalry involves an assortment of aggressive abilities ranging from howling a Battlecry, to Engaging your unlucky opponent, to boosting your prowess with Fury..
Abilities in Chivalry
Falcon | Use the basic skills to interact with your falcon. |
Weathering | Increase your ability to weather damage. |
Seek | Order your bird to seek out an adventurer. |
Glance | Look through the eyes of your bird. |
Block | Obstructing departure with your body. |
Fitness | Controlling your breathing. |
Follow | Order your falcon to aerially follow someone. |
Gripping | Grip your wielded items in a deathlock. |
Barge | Barging your opponents. |
Battlecry | Stun a target with the power of your voice. |
Bowmanship | Use of the valued projectile weapon. |
Quivers | Take full advantage of your quiver. |
Wind | Further increase your accuracy through wind compensation. |
Aiming | Increase your accuracy in shooting. |
Sturdiness | Standing firm against attempts to move you. |
Deliver | Order your falcon to deliver an object to someone. |
Resistance | Reduce the damage taken from magical attacks. |
Crossbows | A powerful projectile weapon. |
Clotting | Reduce the level of your bleeding. |
Rage | Throw off pacifying afflictions. |
Retrieve | Command your falcon to fetch an object for you. |
Startle | Order your bird to harass an opponent's steed. |
Track | Order your falcon to follow and track someone. |
Defend | Attempt to protect someone else with swordwork. |
Observe | Your falcon can now report on the state of individuals. |
Darkbows | Using the infamous darkbows of Hashan. |
Warhawk | Equip your falcon with talons of steel. |
Engage | Damage a cowardly opponent. |
Swiftmount | Mount or vault your steeds at increased speed. |
Fury | Temporarily raise your strength. |