Priests, accompanied by their angels, are the wielders of great spiritual and elemental power in the name of Truth, Light, and Righteousness and they make their homes in the city of Targossas, the Dawnspear. Though no longer are all Priests tied to a specific House, all hold true to the cause of good, for to stray from this path is to diminish as a Priest.

In battle, a Priest wields a great mace she summons to inflict damage, break limbs, and more. But the real power of the Priest is the close relationship with her guardian angel. Through this perpetual companion, said to be the angel who reflects the Light of her charge's soul, practitioners of Spirituality gain great power. Her angel can burn her enemies, trace their movements, or even tear out their very souls. The Priest also has access to the Rites of Devotion, derived from the Holy Rituals of the ancient Church, allowing her to resurrect her allies, part rivers and lakes, or fill someone's mind with visions of Hell.
Spirituality arms the Priest with a Spiritual Mace and a Guardian Angel, the sword and shield of the Good and Righteous. Whilst the Angel often offers protection to the Priest through various defenses and fortifications, it can also be called upon to absolve a Priest's enemy of his sins, in doing so the Angel tears the soul from its unworthy host, ending their depraved existence.
Abilities in Spirituality
Summon | Summon your angel to your side. |
Touch | Assess the power of your angel. |
Mace | Summon a spiritual mace to aid you. |
Shine | Cause your guardian angel to radiate light. |
Call | Call your mace to you when you have lost it. |
Aura | Shield yourself with an aura of protection. |
Panic | Ask your angel to cause terror in a chosen victim. |
Fortify | Boost your angel's power with your own health. |
Watch | Have your angel keep watch on your enemies. |
Smash | Deal a crushing blow to one of your opponent's limbs. |
Rest | Causes your angel to conserve her power. |
Drain | Gain health from your angel. |
Heresy | Summon rage at the heretics and hunt them with fervour. |
Seek | Have your angel report on another person. |
Mindread | Your angel reports to you on local conversations. |
Push | Make the unbelievers kneel. |
Beckon | Draws in people from adjacent locations. |
Sear | Order your angel to sear an unlucky adventurer. |
Judgement | Pass a sentence of death upon the evil. |
Strip | Order your angel to strip a defence from a heretic. |
Ripples | Your angel watches for chaos ripples. |
Ward | Cause fear in most chaos entities. |
Chasten | Deal a mind-numbing blow to an enemy. |
Presences | Searches out all in the local area. |
Trace | Have your angel report on someone's movement. |
Sap | Order your angel to sap the mental strength of an enemy. |
Care | Have your angel care for your physical well-being. |
Spiritwrack | Your angel will torture the spirit of your enemies. |
Refuge | Have your angel transport you to a place of safety. |
Empathy | Have your angel heal you regularly. |
Power | Increase your angel's power through use of mana. |
Contemplate | Perceive the state of another's mental strength. |
Sacrifice | Full restoration of self at great cost to your angel. |
Absolve | Command your angel to tear the soul from your enemy. |
Rooted in the glorious force of Good itself, the holy magic of the devout renews within the Priest (and Paladin) with each new sunrise, allowing them to perform punitive feats and sacrificial miracles.
Abilities in Devotion
Enlightenment | Look into the soul of someone. |
Hands | Lay hands on a person to heal him. |
Parting | Water will pull apart to make way for your blessed self. |
Preaching | Show an adventurer the beauty of belief. |
Truth | Dispel illusions with the power of your devotion. |
Rites | List what rites are active. |
Sustenance | The Gods will provide for you. |
Inspiration | Gain an infusion of divinely-inspired strength. |
Bliss | Give an adventurer a glimpse of paradise. |
Pilgrimage | Travel to someone in a Rite of Pilgrimage. |
Purity | Damage the Unholy. |
Chaoscalm | Attack the chaotic nature of a chaos entity, pacifying it. |
Visions | Give peace of soul to someone. |
Warding | Drive your enemies off with overwhelming fear. |
Force | Make an adventurer follow your wish. |
Piety | Bind those around you with the force of ultimate piety. |
Hellsight | Give an adventurer a glimpse of Hell. |
Dazzle | Confuse and dazzle an opponent. |
Demons | Summon demons to torment the unrighteous. |
Allsight | Gain insight into all movement into and out of holy areas. |
Sloth | The sin of sloth is yours to condemn. |
Healing | A powerful healing ability. |
Well-being | A rite to keep those nearby fed and rested. |
Convocation | Call to you someone in a Rite of Convocation. |
Revitalisation | A rite to heal health and mana. |
Deliverance | Deliver a target unto you. |
Cleansing | Rid your enemies of their unclean aspects. |
Reclaim | Reclaim one of your rites. |
Prayer | Pray for the salvation of your congregation. |
Banishment | Send the unholy Chaos entities back to their hell. |
Fasting | Rob them of their will to eat. |
Resurrection | Grant life anew to a slain believer. |
Illuminate | Illuminate your path. |
Bloodsworn | Bond with another via a blood oath. |
Penitence | Condemn the unfaithful to eternal penance. |
Inquisition | Punish the faithless for their unholy crimes. |
Wielding holy verse empowered by the echoes of Phoenix song, there are few limits upon a Priest's capabilities.
The conviction of Zeal grants many great powers. From condemning a heretic to be plagued by visions of their sins to drawing upon their allies for a surge of healing power beyond any other, the vanguard of Creation stand ready to exact retribution upon any that would challenge the sanctity of their charge.
Abilities in Healing
Anoint | Your pledge. |
Verses | Knowledge of the holy verses. |
Will | A verse to bolster the mind. |
Endurance | May the protectors of Creation never falter. |
Attend | They shall hear what you have to say. |
Fire | The verse of the righteous. |
Void | A verse to stave off the outer cold. |
Protection | The verse of protection. |
Fragility | The profane are weak in body as with mind. |
Prayer | Chaining the holy verses. |
Condemnation | There will be a reckoning. |
Guilt | Remind them of their failings. |
Unflinching | You will not back away from what must be done. |
Ash | Consign them to their fate. |
Penance | Let them gaze upon their sins. |
Reflection | The verse of self reflection. |
Rebuke | Punish their transgressions. |
Burn | Let the fire speak for you. |
Light | The rallying cry of the Light. |
Wrath | Righteous fury is a thing to behold. |
Purge | Let the disease be burned away. |
Salvation | The verse of salvation. |
Benediction | A holy blessing to protect the righteous. |
Glory | The verse of glory. |
Revelations | Show them Evil's horror. |