In what is commonly called the Burning Times, the Occultists were persecuted and slain in droves by the Church in an attempt to cease what the Church considered heretical and dangerous research. Driven underground at that time, the Occultists resurfaced fully in the modern day. Occultists have long worshipped Chaos, and indeed, much of their power comes from their pacts with the Chaos Lords who reign in the Chaos Plane

Secretive and powerful, Occultists have existed in Achaea since even before the founding of the Seleucarian Empire, researching and practicing mysterious arts in their historical home city of Ashtan. In what is commonly called the Burning Times, the Occultists were persecuted and slain in droves by the Church in an attempt to cease what the Church considered heretical and dangerous research. Driven underground at that time, the Occultists resurfaced fully in the modern day, the various cabals were united in the guild of Occultists in Ashtan early in the modern era.
Intensely protective of the secrets behind their skills, secrets gained through great efforts and at great costs, Occultists consider themselves scholars first and foremost, and the deadly power they happen to wield as a result of their research and studies is merely a byproduct. Knowledge at whatever cost, from whatever source, drives them. While all owe some devotion to Chaos, many choose to worship the realms of other Divine as well.
Once studied in ancient times, the skill of Occultism is gained through the study of the Mysteries of the nature of the universe itself. This knowledge, which encompasses manipulating auras, bending of time and reality, and mastering the powers of karma, were all lost ages ago during what the Occultists termed the "Burning Times" when the Church successfully launched a crusade against those who studied this profane arts. The survivors banded together, but it was too late to save the knowledge of Occultism. The early practitioners turned to the dark art of Necromancy and entered into a long period of gaining their powers through death magic. That is until the modern age, when Occultism was re-discovered and perfected. Since then, Occultists have turned their backs on Necromancy and again embraced Chaos to study the terrible sciences of Occultism.
Abilities in Occultism
Ague | A chill that enters from the aura to the body. |
Auraglance | Seek out another in your mind's eye. |
Warp | Cause your enemy's body to warp beyond recognition. |
Night | Create darkness in the room. |
Shroud | Perform many actions in secret. |
Bodywarp | Warping your own body is not for the faint of heart. |
Eldritchmists | The Hymn to Glaaki will raise strange mists. |
Mask | Conceal the movement of your chaos entities. |
Attend | Force your students to pay attention. |
Enervate | Suck the strength from your enemy's aura. |
Encipher | Hide your writings from prying eyes. |
Quicken | A small time warp around your enemy makes them hungry. |
Astralvision | Your aura gives insights into that which is around. |
Shrivel | Cause your opponent's limbs to shrivel up. |
Readaura | Reading another's aura will reveal their secrets. |
Karma | Sense how much karma you have accumulated. |
Heartstone | Create a figurine of your heart to help give you mana. |
Simulacrum | Create a figurine of yourself that absorbs damage. |
Entities | Sense the whereabouts of Chaos Entities in the land. |
Timewarp | Warping time in a location will move vibes. |
Distortaura | Distorting your aura will protect you from physical harm. |
Pinchaura | Surgically alter your patient's aura. |
Impart | Impart your karmic knowledge to others with Occultism. |
Transcendence | Open a gateway to the Plane of Chaos. |
Unnamable | Hear what cannot be named, or see what cannot be imagined |
Devolve | Devolving your enemy will make them unrecognisable. |
Cleanseaura | Cleanse away those pesky animal spirits from an aura. |
Tentacles | Master your body and create tentacles of your own. |
Chaosrays | Pure chaos will strike all in a location. |
Instill | Instill your victim's aura with diseases of the body. |
Whisperingmadness | A curse of madness not soon forgotten. |
Devilmark | The Mark of the Devil grants great power. |
Truename | Find the truename of your enemy. |
Astralform | Turn yourself into a being of pure energy. |
Enlighten | Reveal the truth to the uninitiated. |
Unravel | Destroy the psyche of the uninitiated. |
Transmogrify | Reincarnate as a Chaos Lord. |
Abilities in Tarot
Inscribing | The ability to inscribe images upon blank Tarot cards. |
Sun | Create a portable light source. |
Cardpacks | Use the handy cardpacks for easier storage. |
Emperor | Create the compulsion in others to follow you. |
Magician | Replenish your mana with the might of the Magician. |
Priestess | Heal yourself with the benevolence of the Priestess. |
Fool | Shrug off afflictions with blind courage. |
Chariot | Create an infernal chariot to ride. |
Hermit | Teleport to an uninhabited location. |
Empress | Summon your friends to you. |
Lovers | Create a strong love for you in your target. |
Hierophant | Compel your victim to do your bidding. |
Hangedman | Hinder your opponent with a mass of ropes. |
Tower | Cause a crumbling tower to appear in your location. |
Wheel | Spin the wheel and take your chances. |
Creator | Create an illusion in an adjacent room. |
Justice | Bring justice to the unjust. |
Star | Strike down a foe with a flaming meteor. |
Aeon | Curse your foe with the mark of Chronos. |
Lust | Cause an opponent to hopelessly lust after you. |
Universe | Transport yourself around the land. |
Devil | Call a Devil to serve you, though no more than once. |
Moon | Bestow the maladies of the moon upon your enemy. |
Death | Call down Death itself to claim the soul of your enemy. |
Domination is without question the most dangerous art within Achaea. It involves the summoning of entities from the Chaos Plane as well as Chaos Lords. You risk your life and your very soul in dealing with them, for they are powerful and not to be trifled with.
To gain the services of a Chaos Entity, one must first discover a way into the Chaos Plane. Once there, the intrepid Occultist can barter karma or gold to secure the aid of the various Chaos Lords. But there is no guarantee in this, the denizens of the Chaos Court are unpredictable and extremely dangerous and may turn on anyone at any time. A successful transaction will earn the Occultist pacts which they can use to summon the minions or aide of each Chaos Lord.
Abilities in Domination
Skyrax | Skyrax, the Skyscourge. |
Rixil | Rixil, the spectre. |
Eerion | Eerion, the demon jester. |
Arctar | Arctar, the Defender. |
Scrag | Scrag, tender of the bloodleech pool. |
Pyradius | Pyradius, the firelord. |
Golgotha | Golgotha, the Ascendant's Thrall. |
Dameron | Jy'Barrak Dameron, the Hand. |
Palpatar | Palpatar, the Glutton of Glaaki. |
Nin'Kharsag | Nin'Kharsag, the Slime Master. |
Istria | Istria, the pathfinder. |
Marduk | Marduk, the eater of souls. |
Nemesis | Nemesis. |
Buul | Buul, the Chaos Chirurgeon. |
Cadmus | Cadmus, the cursed shaman. |
Piridon | Piridon, the shapechanger. |
Danaeus | Danaeus, the dark savant. |
Xenophage | Xenophage, keeper of the chaos gate. |
Lycantha | Lycantha, Keeper of the Hounds. |
Tarotlink | Command your doppleganger to throw tarot cards. |
Hecate | Hecate, Mother of the Crones. |
Glaaki | Glaaki, the Eldritch Ascendant. |