Gifted the stolen arts of the Tsol'teth by Parni deSangre, Seleucar's doom, in an act of spite, these men and women were designed to be weapons in a final act of hatred. Armed with the secret research trees of Terminus, the perilous practices of Aeonics, and the controlling magics of Shadowmancy, Depthswalkers stand upon the shoulders of giants to achieve their own glory.

Removed of his centuries long guise, Parni deSangre gifted the Depthswalker class to Achaea in a poignant moment of loss and spite. A both selfish and selfless act in order to ensure the doom of the Tsol'teth race. Sharing the Tsol'teth secrets of Shadowmancy and the research trees of Terminus with the world, ex-Tenith'oru, once the Man In Grey, Seleucar's Doom completed the knowledge with his own studies of Aeonics. Perfected by he and his protege Kosuira, the Depthswalker is capable of altering time to affect the world around them.
In order to begin their study and access the research laboratory to unlock the powers offered by Terminus, the wielder of Time must first work out how to seek Kosuira, the only known protege of Tenith'oru whose death upon the Sangre Plains in the Sarapin of 727 AF prompted the distribution of such guarded knowledge.
Practitioners of Aeonics specialise in modifications to localised time, both their own and that of others. It is whispered that the truly great may turn aside that greatest enemy of all: death.
Abilities in Aeonics
Memory | Remember what was. |
Regression | Time bends to accomodate. |
Divine | The timelines do not lie. |
Rewind | The past becomes the present. |
Blur | Move with supernatural speed. |
Rift | Distance is no barrier. |
Images | One of many. |
Causality | The future is yours. |
Accelerate | It all adds up. |
Disassociate | Gain now is pain later. |
Doom | Their days are numbered. |
Dilation | Given time all rules can be broken. |
Aeon | The curse of the Lord of Time. |
Displacement | A minor adjustment. |
Preempt | There is no escape. |
Shift | A slip sideways through time. |
Backlash | Everything has a price. |
Discard | The mind is your weapon. |
Haste | Be slow and dead. |
Loop | Over, and over, and over again. |
Degenerate | The ravages of time. |
Paradox | They shall conform. |
Deterioration | Madness comes to all. |
Distortion | Those that forget the past... |
Timewell | Your might made manifest... |
Rebirth | Death shall never claim you. |
"Light does not create shade, Light constrains shade. In the darkness shadows are free." Thus spoke Overlord Gattan'lier 468 years before the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
Practitioners of this skill are never truly helpless, for where there is darkness they are mighty, and where there is a Depthswalker darkness soon follows. The abilities vary greatly, ranging from the foundational concepts--manifesting weapons from nothing but shadows--to the ultimate expression of the art: turning a foe's own shadow against its host in a final, brutal betrayal.
Abilities in Shadowmancy
Enshroud | Cloak your location in blackest night. |
Manifest | Forge weapons from the shadows that surround you. |
Cull | Your foes are wheat before the storm. |
Intone | The shadows are your voice and more. |
Cloak | The cloak of power from ancient lore. |
Ascend | Take to the sky upon a surge of shadows. |
Disperse | Melt away into the darkness. |
Strike | You shall not suffer obstructions. |
Phylactery | A prison for the fallen. |
Instill | The might of the Overlords directed through your weapon. |
Degeneration | Attack their physical capability. |
Envenom | Coat a weapon in venoms. |
Convey | Good help is hard to find. |
Reap | Your onslaught shall claim them all. |
Depression | Turn their focus inward. |
Vortex | Bring the fight to you. |
Retribution | There shall be no salvation. |
Sever | A minor mercy. |
Step | None are beyond your reach. |
Preeminence | The shadows tell you all. |
Madness | Insanity is a torture all its own. |
Consume | They shall sustain you. |
Redeem | Grant respite to a former foe. |
Contemplation | Perceive the state of another's mental strength. |
Attune | Minor alterations can have major repercussions. |
Leach | Their weakness is your strength. |
Veil | Cloak your movements to the paramount degree. |
Mutilate | Beyond all recognition. |
Extinguish | The shadows are your dominion. |
Dictate | Death is but a word away. |
Perhaps the most feared of the Tsol'teth arts is Terminus, born from centuries of unfettered research without qualm.
Though Terminus supplies many great and terrible powers--the Litany of Obedience being a prime example--its true strength comes from its diversity. One day a Depthswalker may subjugate the wills of those that stand in opposition; the next call down lightning to scourge an opposing army. Knowing is half the battle.
Within the six research trees of Terminus are abilities not listed here, these are for the bold and incautious to find out...
(* denotes a research tree)
Abilities in Terminus
Research | Knowledge is power. |
Hunting | * The acquisition of strength. |
Longevity | * Who doesn't want to live forever? |
Augmentation | * Only the best. |
Environmental | * The world is your weapon. |
Conquest | * The might of the warlords. |
Purge | The mind is malleable. |
Mastery | Master your chosen field. |
Dominion | * Control, control, control. |
Fulcrum | The centre of your power. |
Truevoice | True voice of the Tsol'teth. |
Diversify | Mediocrity is unacceptable. |