
Originating from the distant nation of Kashar, the Two Arts and their companion martial methods came to the shores of Sapience with the mercenary Lucaine Pyramides. Rising to spectacular prominence in the succession wars of the troubled Seleucarian Empire, he fought for the beleaguered Empress, cutting a swath through enemy forces to turn many a battle with the impossible precision of his weapon, Three Moons.
Centuries later, questing Kashari marauders set about a series of events that lead to the return of the way of the sheathed blade. Now taught by the Hatha-yin maiden Kavaya, descendent of the bloodline of Lucaine, the path of the Blademaster is one of physical training, mental discipline, and supreme combative prowess.
Two Arts
Abilities in Two Arts
Preparation | A scabbard is as important as one's blade. |
Bladename | Every sword is unique. |
Drawslash | A single, measured slash. |
Gripping | Clench your blade with an unshakable grip. |
Doya | Strike true with the slow might of the Earth stance. |
Raze | Cleave through defensive auras. |
Armslash | Cut across the arms. |
Engage | Lash out at a cowardly foe. |
Discernment | Quickly assess an opponent's wounds. |
Legslash | Slash across the legs. |
Thyr | The whirling Wind stance neglects power for speed. |
Impale | Drive your blade straight through your opponent. |
Centerslash | Carve up or down across the head and chest. |
Balanceslash | Drive your enemy back with a balanced slash. |
Infusestrike | Wreathe your blade in crackling flame. |
Pommelstrike | Deliver a stunning blow with the hilt of your sword. |
Mir | The adaptive Water stance favours defence. |
Predict | Know yourself, know your foe. |
Bladesuicide | If death must come, be it by your own blade. |
Retaliationstrike | Unleash a fierce strike against your attacker. |
Infuselightning | Command lightning into your sword. |
Bladetwist | Torment an impaled foe. |
Arash | Aggressive and powerful, the Fire stance is one of attack. |
Infuseice | Suffuse your blade with ice. |
Multislice | Spill blood with a succession of slashes. |
Compassslash | Send their blood to the points of the compass. |
Infusevoid | Wield the Void and your sword as one. |
Impaleslash | Let their blood flow freely. |
Sanya | The total focus of the Void stance amplifies inner power. |
Brokenstar | Draw the broken star across your foe. |
With trained knowledge of the anatomies of many of the sentient races that walk Sapience comes the ability to exploit their physical vulnerabilities. Precise, unarmed strikes to pressure points and sensitive locations allow a master of Striking to leave a foe collapsed upon the ground, unable to breathe, or rigid with paralysis. Wielding the closed fist, spear hand, and open palm, a Blademaster may strike in tandem with many sword attacks.
Abilities in Striking
Constitution | Maintaining your intestinal equilibrium. |
Sternum | A painful blow to the breastbone. |
Shoulder | Induce a state of weariness in your target. |
Hands | Send a numbing pain into your foe's hands. |
Fitness | Control your breathing. |
Ears | Turn your opponent into a clumsy fool. |
Nose | A disfiguring strike to turn even the most loyal. |
Knees | Send your target sprawling to the ground. |
Alleviate | Cure yourself of pesky afflictions. |
Neck | Cause your opponent's limbs to lock up. |
Kidney | Impede your foe's ability to process elixirs. |
Eyes | Force your enemy to witness madness. |
Hamstring | Cripple your target's movement. |
Temple | Send your foe into a stupor. |
Feet | Send your mounted target sprawling to the ground. |
Chin | Envelop your opponent in a restful sleep. |
Icefist | Channel Shindo into an icy strike. |
Flamefist | Channel Shindo into a fiery strike. |
Airfist | Channel Shindo into a blustering gale. |
Voidfist | Channel Shindo into a powerful vortex. |
Groin | Instill a sense of heroism into your target. |
Chest | Afflict your enemy with constant affliction. |
Throat | Remove your foe's ability to breathe. |
Stomach | Imbue a loss of desire to eat. |
Underarm | Force them to secrete a slick sweat. |
Deathstrike | Unleash the fury of your martial prowess. |
Intense training of the body, the senses, and the mind are requisite steps on the path to becoming a true master swordsman. While such training will enable feats of speed, agility, and mental acuity that are breathtaking in their own right, the practise of Shindo is defined by the accrual and spectacular unleashing of Shin energy. The surging flow and heady rhythm of battle is known to all warriors, but students of Shindo learn to enter the Shin trance, greatly enhancing their sensitivity to its power.
Many advanced TwoArts and Striking abilities require Shin energy to perform. Their use will not be possible without first learning the ShinTrance ability.
Abilities in Shindo
Weathering | Rigorous training yields a toughened physique. |
Augment | Your bladework reaches new heights of potency. |
Breathing | Control your breathing to resist choking attacks. |
Shintrance | Sink into a reverie of battle. |
Shadow | Surveil from the shadows. |
Detect | Find others throughout the land. |
Deaf | Will silence upon the world. |
Hearing | Restore aural sensation. |
Blind | Render your eyes unseeing. |
Sight | See the world anew. |
Nightsight | Vision in darkness as in light. |
Bind | Brace yourself with Shin energy. |
Blocking | Deny them escape. |
Toughness | Strengthen your body against assault. |
Projectiles | Weave and dodge missiles. |
Dodging | Elude attacks from the air. |
Sturdiness | Stand steadfast against acts of force. |
Leap | Vault over obstacles. |
Immunity | Withstand the foulest of poisons. |
Burst | A crude release of force. |
Dash | Fly across the ground. |
Waterwalk | Dance over the waves. |
Clarity | Behold no deception. |
Mindnet | Know of all who approach. |
Consciousness | Maintain awareness at all times. |
Healthtrans | Heal your wounds with Shin power. |
Manatrans | Fortify your mind with Shin power. |
Highleap | The sky is within your reach. |
Annihilation | Fury given fiery form. |
Thunderstorm | Unleash a galvanic surge of power. |
Blizzard | Quench your foes with a storm of ice. |
Bounding | Leap great distances in but one soaring step. |
Vitiate | Your strength becomes another's frailty. |
Meditate | Your focus is without compare. |
Fullsense | Reach out with your mind to touch others nearby. |
Phoenix | Rebirth through cleansing flame. |