
The Bard class is a rather recent formalisation of the wisdom of the Great Bard, Scarlatti, God of the Arts. During a casual festival of the arts, Ralph Mercadia, long a singer and performer, learned the songs of Scarlatti and was encouraged to continue to develop the songs and skills of the Bard by that ancient deity. Thus was born the still-young class of Bard.
Bards may be swashbuckling adventurers, contemplative wordsmiths, or raucous performers. Regardless of the path they choose, they all share a love of music and the written arts in all their forms. This focus on creativity must not be mistaken for a careless attitude towards life, however. Though it may seem strange, a bard has perfected his voice and body to such a finely honed edge that a skilful one can stand his ground against even a fully-armoured knight.
Harmonics embodies all that is beautiful in music, from voice and instrument, brought together. Speed your allies, restore their health, and protect them from damage. Accomplished practitioners of this art can create multiple harmonics in one place, send them to other locations, or call them back with a word. Harmonics generally require use of one of the five bardic instruments - flute, lute, lyre, mandolin, and harp.
Abilities in Harmonics
Lament | The shadowy lament may cause fear in those who hear it. |
Control | Master the manipulation of your harmonics. |
Anthem | A mighty defensive harmonic protecting against damage. |
Harmonius | Allows communication in all distinct languages. |
Polyphony | The ability to maintain two harmonics simultaneously. |
Andante | Call your harmonics to you. |
Cacophony | Destroy the reverberation vibration of a magi. |
Minuet | Induce a state of extreme gullibility in an opponent. |
Aeternam | Access the place of eternal song to store harmonics. |
Poes | Draw on the Place of Eternal Song for emergency needs. |
Counterpoint | Set up three harmonics simultaneously. |
Rondo | Call out the rats with their favourite melody. |
Contradanse | Periodically afflict your enemies' minds. |
Paxmusicalis | Declare an intermittent musical peace. |
Gigue | Decrease equilibrium recovery time for your allies. |
Percussia | Create a sonic explosion. |
Bagatelle | Deliver periodic magical damage against your enemies. |
Simpleharmony | The ability to place four harmonics in a room. |
Partita | Protect other harmonics from disturbance. |
Battaglia | Project your harmonics into neighboring rooms. |
Berceuse | Put an enemy to sleep with this soporific tune. |
Continuo | Regenerate physical well-being with this movement. |
Complexharmony | With this, you may set up five harmonics in a room. |
Wassail | Restore mana for allies with the jaunty Wassail. |
Chorale | A group harmonic that gives experience to the listeners. |
Funeralmass | The dark, mournful mass with the power to slay. |
Canticle | Decrease balance recovery time for your allies. |
Undertonal | Maintain seven harmonics in a single room. |
Reel | Disrupt the balance of enemies with this complex melody. |
Hallelujah | Carry an audience to ineffable joy. |
Overtonal | Your mastery is such that unlimited harmonics are yours. |
Swash your buckles with the best! Swashbuckling combines fast movement with a quick wit, witty repartee, and a flashing rapier. Prove that elegance and subtlety of approach will always dominate over brute force. Swashbuckling combines a rapier and a keen mind to produce a truly effective fighting machine. The skill includes methods to deal death from above or parry multiple places at once, your blade moving with breathtaking speed. Moving between various specialised stances and dance about with acrobatic ease, avoiding any damage from your clumsy opponent's blade. Swashbuckling can only be truly effective when undertaken with a song-blessed rapier, as everyone knows. To gain the blessing, simply take your rapier to the Grotto of Song, which is off the beach in Tasur'ke. Once you have completed "BATHE RAPIER IN SONG" you will have the perfect tool for the ultimate swashbuckler.
Abilities in Swashbuckling
Swing | Swing gracefully up into the trees overhead. |
Flourish | Intimidate an opponent with a flourish of your blade. |
Backflip | Flip over obstructions that stand in your way. |
Auralbless | Use your song-blessed blade to remove deafness. |
Tunesmithing | Harness the power of your songblessed rapier. |
Accentato | Let your songblessed rapier sing out to harm your opponent. |
Handspring | Leap at your foes in neighboring rooms. |
Riposte | Unleash a strike of vengeance. |
Acrobatics | Leap and bounce to make yourself a difficult target to hit. |
Gripping | Grip your wielded items in a deathlock. |
Scan | Scanning the forest floor from the treetops. |
Knuckleslap | Numb an opponent's hand temporarily. |
Shove | Sending a hapless victim crashing to the forest floor. |
Thrustkick | Kick your opponent out of the way. |
Backhandspring | Leap out of the room striking someone on the way out. |
Raze | Attack the defences that would keep your weapons out. |
Abscond | Swing down and abscond with the rector's daughter! |
Acciaccatura | Tunesmith your songblessed rapier against a specific limb. |
Arrowcatch | Pluck arrows from the air with the greatest of ease. |
Drunkensailor | A stance designed to make your movements unpredictable. |
Envenom | Coat a weapon in venoms. |
Somersault | Quickly somersault past obstructions, even when bound. |
Martellato | Knock your opponent to the floor with this tunesmithing. |
Highleap | The sky is within your reach. |
Dodging | Avoiding attacks from the sky. |
Heartsfury | An aggressive stance that gives a chance of counterattack. |
Lunge | A deep, piercing blow from an adjacent location. |
Balancing | You're like a cat, you are. |
Deathfromabove | The name says it all. Death, from above! |
Trueparry | Such is your mastery that you may parry a larger area. |
Pesante | Stun an opponent with the power of your tunesmithed rapier. |
Voicecraft is the skill centred on using the voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to create various effects to aid yourself or those you wish to favour, or to afflict your enemies. Chant, sing, or recite your way to fame and glory as you shatter crystal forests, sing down shields, protect yourself from damage, or free yourself from various forms of binding - all through the power of Voicecraft. A unique feature of Voicecraft abilities is that they do not use or require you to have normal equilibrium or balance. They work on their own kind of balance called "voice balance."
Abilities in Voicecraft
Maqam | A graceful song of the desert to cause clumsiness. |
Lay | Create a field of distortion to protect against fashioning. |
Haiku | Alright, seriously now...what did that mean? |
Isorhythm | Claustrophobia is only a few, droning notes away. |
Tune | Protect against damage of all types. |
Dirge | Soothe the hands of the grave. |
Fugue | Instill fear with a complex fugue. |
Solo | Drain the mana from a victim. |
Poem | A poem of gluttony and decay to induce nausea. |
Yodel | Shatter a crystal forest with an irritating yodel. |
Pastorale | Cause a target to develop a fear of heights. |
Noise | A screeching, meaningless noise that numbs the mind. |
Gimmegimme | A chant of generosity sure to pay off. |
Ditty | A ditty that will short-circuit one's brain. |
Limerick | Sing an impatience-causing limerick at your opponent. |
March | Cause even the most steady of mounts to panic. |
Requiem | If you think they're out to get you, you're right. |
Tremolo | Crush a target's legs with a sonic pounding. |
Vibrato | Shatter an opponent's arms with a trilling vibrato. |
Epic | Paralyse a target with an epic tale of heroism. |
Aria | Give a friend a short-term health bonus. |
Prelude | Fashion an illusion from song. |
Ode | Addiction is a terrible disease. |
Cantata | Sing down someone's shield. |
Dwinnu | A chant that will disintegrate that which binds you. |
Qasida | With a qasida of asceticism, afflict someone with anorexia. |
Passion | Instill stupidity with a glorious passion of Imithia. |
Chant | Strip defences with a sonorous chant. |
Songbird | Whistle a helpful songbird to your shoulder. |
Soulfulvoice | Sing through vibrational barriers to reach your audience. |